Anonymous ID: 5341e5 Sept. 7, 2018, 2:12 p.m. No.2924928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4966

Looks like the March for Truth action committee is gearing up for something before the election(s)…


With less than two months until the midterm elections, the warning signs about cyberattacks and social media disinformation are blinking red, as Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats noted last month.


Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft have already acknowledged election interference and removed accounts.

Campaigns across the country are seeing attacks by bots, trolls and fake accounts.

Experts worry the country is not prepared for attacks by foreign adversaries.


Concerned citizens can serve as a first line of defense against information warfare activities and misinformation campaigns.


For the next three Sundays, Justin Hendrix from March for Truth host a webinar featuring an expert presentation from Melissa Ryan. Join one of these webinars to learn what you can do to recognize and defend against information warfare and social media interference.


Space is limited- register for one of these dates today:


Register for Sunday, September 9th at 8 pm Eastern


Register for Sunday September 16th at 8 pm Eastern


Register for Sunday, September 23rd at 8 pm Eastern


Following unprecedented foreign interference in the 2016 election, Ryan launched the Ctrl Alt-Right Delete newsletter, making her one of the first progressives to chronicle the rise of the alt-right. She has partnered on the newsletter with Hope not Hate, a UK organization fighting racism and fascism for a generation, and launched the Factual Democracy Project, an organization pioneering a multi-disciplinary response to the extreme right coalition and the weaponization of the Internet. She is a visiting fellow at Media Matters.


This webinar will provide an overview issues crucial to understanding the current landscape, dig into fake news and misinformation in more detail, and talk tactics – specifically what to do if a campaign in your community is attacked.


This is the world we live in. We must all engage in the battle to defend the sovereignty of our elections and fight misinformation by bad actors- foreign and domestic.


Register for one of these three dates:


Register for Sunday, September 9th at 8 pm Eastern


Register for Sunday September 16th at 8 pm Eastern


Register for Sunday, September 23rd at 8 pm Eastern


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you have any questions, please let us know!


Thank you!