Sep 5, shortly after the release of the Op-Ed, the #Anonymous essay popped on http://Turnitin.com as a 100% match to a USC student essay handed in, surprise, surprise, Sep 5. Now, lest you say, “Maybe a proactive student wrote ABOUT the Op-Ed!” No….
The Op-Ed, in its entirety as you see on the screenshot, comprises the whole essay. I clicked in the settings to delete matches that INCLUDED citation. No student- one presumes-would include an entire essay w/out citation in her own paper. Unless she’s an idiot.
IMHO… this was an essay written for a class, perhaps taken by a professor and handed to the @NYT w/ their full knowledge that it was fabricated. Hence the Op-Ed & the author being at least two steps removed from the publication process. When it’s discovered, as I hope it will be,the people who perpetrated this fraud should be used by @POTUS to demonstrate a new paradigm in legal consequences for unethical professional behavior & (some would argue) actions that fall just short of treasonous.