Anonymous ID: 3367c0 Feb. 6, 2018, 11:20 p.m. No.292599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2605 >>2620


I can't put my hands on it exactly, but the gist is this:

To influence someone, the meme needs to be from THEIR point of view and needs to gently or subtly question some aspect of their deeply-held ideology that we are seeking to change. If the meme is too radically different from what they believe, or it creates too much division between "us" and "them", it will provoke a "fight or flight" reaction and the person will reflexively reject the challenge to their beliefs.

The subtlety is difficult to achieve. Putting yourself in their shoes is difficult also. But that's our challenge.

Anonymous ID: 3367c0 Feb. 6, 2018, 11:28 p.m. No.292644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2671 >>2673


I think you mean this. I'll repost:


A memeAnon’s notes on

Memetics—A Growth Industry in US Military Operations by Major Michael B. Prosser, USMC. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Operational Studies, academic year 2005-2006 (

My notes are not inclusive. I’m focused mainly on my side of things – meme making – and how this paper applies to /Qresearch/. There is a second PDF I haven't studied yet.

Memeanon's Notes

→To attack an ideology, assault a transcendant or central idea, or group of ideas

→Memes are cultural bits of info, transmitted mind-to-mind (via whatever media are prevalent)

→How do you persuade/dissuade enemy combatants? Persuade/dissuade the undecided?

→Analyze cultural ideas, isolate their parts

→Also includes means of spreading the ideas/memes

→Clinical disease analogy to the spread of ideologies: adaptive response of both disease and host organism

→Intentionally persuade large audiences through subtle or overt contact

→Disciplines of sociology, anthropology, cognitive science, behavioral game theory

→Military killing of “infected” people to eradicate an ideology sometimes backfires, transitory effect or even opposite of intended effect (martyrs, hardens opposing position).

→Nonlinear problem

→Requires more than token efforts and resources

→Feedback loop between meme makers, observe effect on target population

→Understand target audience’s aims, mindsets, ways of achieving their strategic objectives

→Metaphysical battlespace fought over culture and ideals.

→“Enemies” are already highly organized and weaponized in the meme warfare space

→Ought to be formalized and resourced within U.S. military + allies, rather than ad hoc as now [circa 2007]


Memeanon's further observations

→Similarity between memes and what the advertising industry has been practicing (weaponizing!) for >50 years

→Feedback loop is essential between meme-makers, those disseminating them, and those observing/analyzing changes in the target population: not only how well it’s spreading, best vectors of spread, recruitment of new spreaders, immediate reactions, but more broadly how to discern/measure actual changes in target pop’s ideology, and feed this data back to meme generation unit.

→Continuous adaptive improvement loop

→Ideas and concepts are subjective and hard to quantify

We could do more in the area of the feedback loop.

There is also a potential division of labor between - autists with deep cultural knowledge (movies, TV, games.)

  • autists with psychological insight into target pop

  • autists who know how to frame ideology-challenging ideas in a way that is funny, sardonic, ironic

  • graphic artists who can convert these ideas into visual form

  • meme distributors (droppers) who are in a position to observe immediate feedback and adoption of the ideas by target pop

  • autists who can analyze changes in target pop's ideology


I'm out - bed