Anonymous ID: 965ea5 Feb. 6, 2018, 11:37 p.m. No.292679   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Nigga yall got 19 fucking posts in a single thread spamming (((glowing nigger))) bullshit,


At least learn to change the IP you stupid fucking (((glowing whore)))


>These people are STUPID


[We see all]

[We hear all]

[No one who plays the game gets a free pass]



Tread with care, traitor. Treason and subversion are both equally lethally punishable offense.

Anonymous ID: 965ea5 Feb. 6, 2018, 11:40 p.m. No.292695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3028



BO and BV are going to be firing away.


Last thread dropped shitload of crumbs - personals from weiner Email listing over 600 politicians, celebrities, emails, sexual scandals etc.


Let's get to it anons.

Anonymous ID: 965ea5 Feb. 6, 2018, 11:46 p.m. No.292729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2731



Add kikes onto that list. Different side of the same shitcoin.


Middle east is a cesspit of human depravaty, exploitation, and slavery. Most of the scum that venture out of that place are products of mongrelized rape offspring that recognize no true attachment to anything but lowest forms of deception, lies, and exploit/be exploited mentality.


It is a diseased place, and MOST of the (((globalist))) main families and pawns are of such ilk.


I consider them lower than cannibal tribes of the darkest part of africa. At least cannibals are honest about who they are.


These are subhumans - failures of humanity. Everything they say are the exact opposite of the truth, especially about themselves.


FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 965ea5 Feb. 6, 2018, 11:52 p.m. No.292757   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I have been to silicon valley before, anon. I concur.


We will see how it plays out - there are more wheels within within wheels than you realize.

Anonymous ID: 965ea5 Feb. 7, 2018, midnight No.292807   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Nigga got nuclear assfucked.


Yall need to look at this 'shadow government' shill who keeps sharting all over with this half-asssed wanting to pass for conspiracy to appeal to 'conspiracy minded'


Literally muh UFO psyop 101.

Anonymous ID: 965ea5 Feb. 7, 2018, 12:03 a.m. No.292823   🗄️.is 🔗kun



There will be moves, anon.


Jan 27 2018 02:48:10

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 9400a1



May is neutralized.

MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning.

Queen/monarchs seeking shelter.


These people are stupid.



Rejoice, UK anon. We will win, sooner than you think. Changes up top reverberate to the bottom quicker than you think.

Anonymous ID: 965ea5 Feb. 7, 2018, 12:10 a.m. No.292847   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Q has not only been feeding us crumbs.


He has literally been teaching us how to meme.


He has not overestimated our abilities. Not by any measure.


>We the people

>You, the people are STRONG

>You only FORGOT how to fight.


We can fight, anons. Meme IS the news, the reporting, the TRUTH.


FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 965ea5 Feb. 7, 2018, 1:34 a.m. No.293095   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Mere 100 years? No, think 1000+.


Bloodline. Corruption. Hatred. Arrogance. FEAR.




Bloodline is the prize.


We expect the (((enemy))) to strike, and strike hard.


We know. /ourguys/ know. We will eviscerate this (((enemy))) and ALL their 'pets'.


FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 965ea5 Feb. 7, 2018, 1:51 a.m. No.293137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3151 >>3155 >>3161 >>3166 >>3188 >>3195 >>3252





Child abuse and trafficking done by muslims, (((them))) and ALL their cronies are the WEAK LINK.


NONE can question the guilt of the perpetrators.


(((they))) pulled the trigger too early.


People have to understand they have been put into trance, to think them (((strong)))


In reality, they are WEAK.


It's just that WE, the PEOPLE, have been taught to consider (and ACT) as if we are 'weaker' - continued unabated crimes and abuses pushed by MSM and the MSM racemixing propaganda serves to 'confirm' this assertion.


It's ALL psyop - demoralization tactic.


When we rise up and start fighting back, in governments, in chambers, in offices, in schools, in the streets, via petition, protests, demonstration, boycotts, naming and identifying them, STANDING TOGETHER and FIGHTING THEM, WE SHOW THEM OUR POWER.


The current phase is the 'reveal' phase. We need to let as many people as we can know exactly HOW the MSM, corrupt actors in our governments, and(((usurpers))) have planned this out for centuries, and how our unknowing lower level civil servants of ALL stripes have been unknowingly duped to helping this happen.


Lower level policemen and lawyers and judges don't have as much as you think. They are as fearful as the people themselves. Though obviously there are scum bag racially/religiously motivated and ideologically motivated infiltrators and corrupt actors within those spheres, vast majority are either unknowing dupes or impotent scattered innocents who don't know what they can do to turn things around.




/our guys/ are cutting off the head of the snake as we speak.


It's OUR job to rise from our knees and begin a LOUD, VOCAL and THUNDEROUS campaigns against these SUBHUMAN scum that can be felt in the halls of the government, halls of our schools, in our offices, our streets, and our very OWN NATIONS.


Time is not right for outright violent actions to remove these scum - too many things can go wrong in the chaos. Too many still sleeping, too many in denial or too afraid.


SHOW THEM THEY NEED NOT BE AFRAID. Unless you rise up YOURSELVES to FIGhT, no matter what Q and POTUS delivers to you (even if it is total annihilation of bloodlines and their pets across our nations), we will STILL be vulnerable, fearful, and just kicking the can down the road.


WE, the PEOPLE must take HEART.


We, the PEOPLE, must FIGHT using ALL legitimate and VOCAL and VISCERAL means to EXPOSE the LIES of our enemies across the world.




Anons, this is not a game. This is the fight to save our nations, our people, our womenfolk, our children, our FUTURE of our CIVILIZATIONS.




Stay together.


FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 965ea5 Feb. 7, 2018, 2:32 a.m. No.293263   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anons, there are multiple free email services you can use to set up temporary throwaway email accounts to sign these things and conduct internet activities that DOES NOT require you to use your cell number.


Just FYI.