Anonymous ID: 6af3e6 Sept. 7, 2018, 3:25 p.m. No.2926225   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Talk about predicting the future. I don’t know what some of you anons are looking at but


  • Attacks will intensify

They are. When have you ever had a previous president campaign so hard,so quickly after his own term? 0bama is everywhere right now.


  • Attacks will intensify

MicroFag fagging his faggotry of faggotic proportions. Micro makes dick tips touching look straight.


  • Attacks will intensify

Seemed like a message of a final push last night with the kid in the audience. Remember anons. He’s just a kid. Why he was there, intentions, etc he’s a kid. He’s being manipulated. Hate the evil not the kid. They use people. That’s what they do. They’re feeding off the hate. Stop feeding them.


*Attacks will intensify

Amendment 25 push again. Yawn.


*Mix of good and bad

I’m Q, you’re Q, they’re Q, we are all Q, there is no Q.


Everything has been building. That’s the term the storm. Storms take time to build.

Storms form when warm, moisture-laden air rises rapidly into the atmosphere. As the air rises, it cools and the moisture condenses, falling back to Earth as precipitation.


Scripts. Watch them. Musk tweeted going private? Smokes weed live on podcast? He’s following the script he was handed. 60/40 anons. This is how you achieve that. They act, like a movie, we watch it all, it’s all scripted. Or do you think Elon can dig tunnels and spaceships but not realize the effects of his actions?


Final push for the house. Lights are dimming. Stupid fucking dancing popcorn and candy vignette is finally over. Previews are almost done.