Anonymous ID: aab99e Sept. 7, 2018, 3:03 p.m. No.2925788   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FLASHBACK: Obama Refused to Use the Term ‘Radical Islam’ — Now He Lectures Trump on Nazis (A Group Trump Has Vilified)


On Friday Barack Obama lectured (President) Donald Trump during a public speech in Chicago.


During the speech Barack Obama attacked the sitting president and tried to take credit for the Trump economic miraclec — something that is laughable at best.


Obama also asked the crowd, “How hard can it be to say Nazis are bad?”


For the record… Here’s Trump slamming nazis.

For the record — It wasn’t that long ago that Barack Obama refused to use the term “radical Islam.”

In fact Obama lectured Republicans on his refusal to use the term in 2016.


FLASHBACK: Obama Refused to Use the Term ‘Radical Islam’ — Now He Lectures Trump on Nazis (A Group Trump Has Vilified)

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft September 7, 2018


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On Friday Barack Obama lectured (President) Donald Trump during a public speech in Chicago.


During the speech Barack Obama attacked the sitting president and tried to take credit for the Trump economic miraclec — something that is laughable at best.


Obama also asked the crowd, “How hard can it be to say Nazis are bad?”


For the record… Here’s Trump slamming nazis.

For the record — It wasn’t that long ago that Barack Obama refused to use the term “radical Islam.”

In fact Obama lectured Republicans on his refusal to use the term in 2016.


Obama went off on Republican lawmakers in June 2016 for his refusal to use the term RADICAL ISLAM!


Obama went on and on and on lecturing America on using the term Radical Islam.



Obama said,


“There’s no magic to the phrase ‘radical Islam.’ It’s a political talking point. It’s not a strategy… Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away. This is a political distraction. Not once has an adviser of mine said, ‘Man, if we use that phrase, we’re going to turn this whole thing around.’“


Obama even went back to lecture America on its abusive history.



Anonymous ID: aab99e Sept. 7, 2018, 3:05 p.m. No.2925816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5946 >>5985 >>6098 >>6344

NORAD Confirms Another Dangerous US Intercept Of Russian Long-Range Bombers Near Alaska


Russia's defense ministry has confirmed another US intercept of its aircraft as two of its long-range bombers flew in international airspace over the Arctic Ocean and near Alaska.


Two American F-22 jets were reported as approaching and then shadowing a pair of Russian TU-95MS nuclear-capable bombers in an incident also confirmed by North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).


A NORAD spokesman said the bombers were detected flying near the Aleutian Islands, describing to the Free Beacon on Friday that "Two Alaskan-based NORAD F-22 fighters intercepted and visually identified two Tu-95 ‘Bear' long-range bomber aircraft flying in the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone, south of the Aleutian Islands."


The NORAD spokesman would not disclose how far the Russian bombers were from the west coast of Alaska, citing security reasons, but confirmed the F-22's shadowed the bombers until they left NORAD’s identification zone. “At no time did the Russian bombers enter Canadian or United States sovereign airspace,” the official said.


The Russian Defense Ministry put out its own statement on Friday, which reads: “The Russian Air Force’s Tu-95MS strategic bomber aircraft have carried out scheduled flights over neutral waters in Arctic Ocean as well as the Bering and Okhotsk Seas.” And indicates that “The aircraft were escorted by two US Air Force F-22 fighter jets on certain legs of their route”.


Previously this year in May there was a similar incident where American fighter jets intercepted Russian TU-95's off the Alaskan coast at somewhat close range, but it was reported at the time that the American jets didn't come closer than 100 meters, and shadowed the bombers for up to 40 minutes.


According to the Russian Defense Ministry its long-range bombers frequently carry out what it describes as "routine patrols" over the Arctic and the Atlantic, and the Pacific Ocean, but that the Russian bombers operate “in strict compliance with international regulations without violating foreign borders.”


But its possible this week's incident wasn't merely routine patrolling as the Free Beacon notes that it "coincided with large-scale military exercises now underway in the Russian Far East called Vostok-18 and were likely part of the exercises that have been underway since late August."


As part of the exercises, on official speculated, the bombers could have been practicing cruise missile strikes on U.S. missile defenses in Alaska. They are capable of carrying nuclear warheads, specifically the nuclear-tipped KH-55 long-range cruise missile with a max range of up to 1,841 miles.

Anonymous ID: aab99e Sept. 7, 2018, 3:12 p.m. No.2925960   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mueller Witch Hunt and Prison Time For Papadopoulos Isn’t Enough – Top Democrats Want to Drag Him in For More Questioning


On Friday, former Trump campaign volunteer, George Papadopoulos was sentenced to 14 days in prison, 12 months probation, a $9,500 fine and 200 hours of community service.


Papadopoulos was caught up in the Russian collusion hoax, hunted down by Obama’s corrupt Deep State and previously charged by Mueller’s team of thugs for making a false statement to the FBI.


But Mueller’s witch hunt, FBI interrogations, prison time, fines, money wasted on lawyers, and probation isn’t enough.

The Democrats want blood.


Top Democrat lawmakers now want to drag Papadopoulos in for more questioning.


Via Congress reporter for FOX News, Chad Pergram: The corrupt Vice Chairman of the Senate Intel Committee, Mark Warner (D-VA) said in response to Papadopoulos’s sentencing that “the Senate Intel Cmte would like to hear directly from..Papadopoulos”


Ranking member of the House Intel Committee, Adam Schiff (D-CA) also wants to continue to harass Papadopoulos.


“It is my hope that when Mr. Papadopoulos has finished his sentence, he will cooperate with congressional investigations, including our ongoing investigation in the House Intelligence Committee,” Schiff said on Friday.