Anonymous ID: 5dc0a8 Sept. 7, 2018, 3:59 p.m. No.2926778   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"The FBI has used covert operations against domestic political groups since its inception; however, covert operations under the official COINTELPRO label took place between 1956 and 1971.[12] COINTELPRO tactics are still used to this day, and have been alleged to include discrediting targets through psychological warfare; smearing individuals and groups using forged documents and by planting false reports in the media; harassment; wrongful imprisonment; and illegal violence, including assassination.[13][14][15][16] The FBI's stated motivation was "protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order.[sic.]"[17]"




1: I have worked on certain high profile subject matter and encountered extreme resistance from many sides

2: I developed a well thought out piece of my own and I repeatedly presented my material usually during the night shift

3: I was repeatedly (4-5 times at least!) ignored and at first this sorta sapped my spirits yet I never quit…

4: I presented my material on day shift and immediately they (multiples which link) were included and the whole piece was soon thereafter made perm.


Is it hard for an anon to then believe that the subject matter was not only damning to the subject of the expose yet also mentally unacceptable to the receiver? No not hard at all.



Never give up!

Some of the shit we are on top of is completely mental for even those here who think they are power minds…

Some of the shit we are on top of could actually be news to Q team and I only hope to be able to HELP Q TEAM understand the true depths of the abyss if indeed they do not already plumb them farther and more deeply than any one or even all of us ever could.


eyes wide open anons

remain vigilant all along the watch tower