Anonymous ID: f47539 Sept. 7, 2018, 4:17 p.m. No.2927064   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2925765 (A few breads back)


>Specific timing rests w/ POTUS.

>Hints expend ammunition.

>Think NYT 'Anon' article (Ex)




The timing is largely up to Our Beloved Leader, but not entirely. There are IG reports and Huber's indictments which POTUS must coordinate, and as Huber reports to AG Sessions, that remains a bit of a wildcard.


Omar's recordings will come out on a daily basis throughout October leading up to the mid-terms, no surprise there. Deep State is indeed in trouble, and desperate.


Way, way too early to expend much ammunition, and at this stage I'd keep the powder dry. Since McCabe is known to be under Grand Jury scrutiny, there are bigger fish in the pond and deadlier snakes in the swamp. McCabe is lower level in the upper echelons. Clapper has already admitted they were doing Hussein's bidding and Page more than likely has turned on the WH involvement of LL, VJ, and of course the Kenyan Kid.


'The World Watches' as 5 eyes was complicit in electoral interference with extensions worldwide. There are so many scenes in play since the corruption consumes every continent on the earth.


The President's address in Fargo following the Billings rally features a President far more poised and self assured than we saw in candidate Trump. He is courteous to President Xi and Chairman Kim as he confirms that the problems they confront require a bit of confidence in each other to achieve the desired goal of The GREAT AWAKENING.