Anonymous ID: ac559a Sept. 7, 2018, 6:10 p.m. No.2928501   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hussein done lost his mind. Every single thing he did as president actually hurt the USA in some way, and according to Q, most of this was done deliberately. I distinctly recall him saying that most of the jobs that left the USA would never come back.And his 'green' policies caused many businesses to close. He also supported globalist trade deals that were constructed specifically to destroy the US middle class and strip the country of its wealth. He tried to convince us that this is the way forward while hiding the language of trade bills like TiSA and TPP from the public. Then he tried to hang the Paris Accord millstone around our necks. This man has no love for us or for this country.


So Trump gets elected and kills the trade deals and is creating a more business friendly environment. And jobs are coming back. Now Jug Ears is trying to take credit for Trump's successes — definitely the best comedy act I've seen in a very long time. Fucker is so arrogant and so evil. But he will get his comeuppance in due time.