… r u sure that's alive?????
yes. they need a padded room….
side note… that is an add way to rest ur fingers… is this like baseball signaling lol?
see, this is why I label my dino w/ glow n dark tape.
HA! night crew was fun. had to back off due to work slipping.
When will Potus come to California? :/
Do u think CA is safe for Potus?
idk. we have a lot of shit going on over here… still have gangs, crazies, and brainwashed ppl … I cud c some1 doing something stupid or mind controlled… like the dude that shot his phone on the WH lawn & then shot himself.
anyone know the event.. maybe some "after" hour activities habbn
… NY… think they'll drop by Soro's for some Spirit cooking? maybe some walnut sauce??
r these sick fuks still doing this??? I hope the fuk not!
worked well for Venezuela…
They are also calling Trump "Spanky" lmfao curious what meme they use for that
I'm not a prophet. coincidence & weird indeed!