Anonymous ID: 8167bf Sept. 7, 2018, 6:38 p.m. No.2928853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8865 >>8881 >>8895 >>8904 >>8944 >>8948 >>9020 >>9023 >>9162 >>9283 >>9387 >>9439 >>9529

Sixty Day DOJ/FBI Election Window Closes Today


"The 2018 Mid-Term elections are sixty days away. Today, September 7th, if traditional institutional protocols are followed, is the technical end of any opportunity for FBI and DOJ to publicly release any investigative material that would influence the political landscape."


Uh doesn't this mean we won't see any declassifications for at least 2 months?


The Fuck Q?

Anonymous ID: 8167bf Sept. 7, 2018, 6:53 p.m. No.2929087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9096 >>9102 >>9105 >>9138 >>9147 >>9191 >>9367


>FFS there will not be ANY arrests outside (maybe Huma/Podesta though I think they already have been) before midterms!!! Get that through your heads!


I'm not talking about arrests you knuckle dragging mongoloid.


I'm talking about the 20 redacted pages of the FISA app that Q has hope porned into oblivion would be declassified very soon.


According to established practice, those 20 pages technically can't be released now until fucking November after midterms….Unless you believe they will be released within the next two hours.

Anonymous ID: 8167bf Sept. 7, 2018, 7:02 p.m. No.2929201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9298 >>9300


>Since when is Donald J Trump synonymous with the FBI or DOJ?



>There's nothing in law or regulation that says that protocol must be followed is there?


You geniuses realize that the FISA release has to be signed off on by Wray and RR right? POTUS can declassify anything, but the DOJ and FBI heads in this case are the ones that hold the keys to the document's release.


The only way to get around them if they refuse to comply is to fire and replace them with people who will comply.


I guarantee you RR won't release shit in that 60 day period, citing this longtime DOJ practice. And I guarantee you Trump won't fire him in those 60 days either