Anonymous ID: f6b711 Sept. 7, 2018, 7:47 p.m. No.2929833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9855 >>9871 >>9877 >>9895 >>9907 >>9913 >>9938 >>9947 >>9997 >>0001 >>0031 >>0042 >>0057 >>0070 >>0141 >>0148 >>0195 >>0225 >>0238 >>0278 >>0284 owner here.

Site got attacked today (see screenshot). Working on pinpointing the attack method.


Here's a bit of payback, patriot style is now capturing the following for each Q drop: 1) Research Summary; 2) Links to News Stories / 8ch Notables; 3) Images / Q Proofs; 4) Related Q Drops.


Checkout this example:


To make this work I need help. Looking for a few talented anons who can enter in the "curated" content (1-4 above).


Ping me if you are interested.