Look! A convenient distraction!
(Hell of a nice one, though…)
Look! A convenient distraction!
(Hell of a nice one, though…)
Looks like several inches proximal to the femoral condyle. Pics appear to be aimed to the "amputee devotee" crowd of pervs.
I'll be in my bunk.
Devotee or amp?
I'm hoping it's not the one that's a (very small) step above the podestas.
Now it makes sense. Glad you're just missing parts instead of being a stump licker…
Never could understand the attraction in that.
Day shift is faggots who love to wake up night shift with early morning lawn mowers. The fuckers sit in traffic jams and dream up ways to fuck each other's lives up, while night crew strives to row together.
Always remember: The early worm got eaten.
Will need tit pics to confirm. Plz give him sharpie before bed.