These people are probably channeling spirits
Who give them this information
Most spirits are good, guardian angels or something similar.
But there are demons out there too
So be careful.
Here is a woman who channels a male spirit named Ramtha who seems to like Trump
Edgar Cayce in the 1930s channeled a spirit guide who mentioned twice
out of Russia will come the hope of the world.
Jane Roberts of Elmira NY channeled an entity
who called himself Seth for many years.
Many of his statements were meant for public consumption
And were collected in a series of books starting with
Seth Speaks.
A Jewish woman psychologist channeled the spirit of Jesus
And he dictated a set of books called
A Course In Miracles
There are edited versions just called ACIM that removed stuff a strong Christian might not be able to accept.
A version with annotations by Hugh Lynn Cayce the son of Edgar Cayce,
And the UrText version that comes from the original notes in the Cayce Institute archives
A woman named Chelsea Quinn Yarbro channeled an entity named Michael
Who dictated some books called
Messages From michael
Essentially, when people talk about PROPHETS in ancient scriptures, they are talking about people who communicated with these non-corporeal beings or angels, and relayed messages from them.
The word angel comes from a Greek word meaning messenger because they are considered to be messengers from God.
And yes, there are also people out there channeling new-agey stuff that may be actually Luciferian or demonic. This is the Great Awakening. We fear no person or spirit. We take responsibility for our own lives.
In general, if it harms noone and you will it, i.e. have great internal confidence in something, then just do it. Internal hesitation or conscience is the voice of God within, so listen to that. But do not fear.
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.