It's pathetic. I've actually taken the time to research him. If these fuckers don't get back to their own thread and stay there, I'm going to post.
Kek. I just don't like to see people get fleeced. Especially when it leads them to these bogus cult religions. Psedoscience>>Pseudoreligion. They all act like they have some super secret knowledge that only they understand.
So fucking what. You think conning people with junk science is going to solve anything? It requires action. You have been living on hopium. Pretty sure you loved Obama. Also, fuck Wilcock.
Do you have a point? Is this supposed to be cryptic? See, it's hard to understand posts that have no meaning, other than to the poster.
Shilling is fun. Enjoy the $. I wish Brock would upgrade his staffing.
My argument is clear. Yours was not. I did not mean to offend. I'm sorry if I did.