Not everyone that signs the document is an "affiant".
This came up in his testimony to Congress, as well. He testified that he played an executive role and had thousands of agents beneath him carrying out the work.
Article describes conflicts between Fiona Hill and POTUS.
POTUS accused her of disloyalty and leaking info.
When details of that closed-door meeting became public knowledge, President Trump accused members of Fiona Hill’s staff of disloyalty. Hill defended her people, which put an additional strain on her relationship with the president. Since then, she has been excluded from specific meetings. For example, she was left out of Trump’s meeting with Putin in July of 2017 at he G20 summit.
Hill also doubts US and Russia can improve relations:
In addition, Hill has been a vocal skeptic on the idea that the U.S. could have a much friendlier relationship with Russia.
POTUS excluded Fiona Hill from meeting with Putin thinking she might leak information.
This means that Trump (personally, given the NYT portrayal) decided to exclude his National Security Advisor and top Russian advisor. And he did so, again, based on the NYT reporting, because he didn’t want a competing account from coming out. He basically excluded the key staffers who should have been in the meeting, in spite of the wishes of aides, to avoid having Russian critics describing what really happened in his meeting with Putin.
Fiona Hill worked six years for George Soros' Open Society in New York. She also worked three years for the National Intelligence Council in Washington, D.C.
McMaster who hired Fiona Hill sharing inside information with [George Soros].
“I have confirmed from sources from inside the White House, the Israeli government and Israeli intelligence that the Israelis have intercepted email communications from General McMaster to George Soros, informing him of everything that’s going on inside the White House,” reported long time political operative Roger Stone. “…I have double checked this with two different sources very high up in Israeli intelligence, and I actually expect the Israeli ambassador to the US to confirm this.”
Fiona Hill an anti-Brexit Globalist. Article includes quote "From chaos order".
Anon theory.
POTUS Filled His Cabinet with Neocons in order to Trap Them
DJT's cabinet shifted significantly in the first two years of his administration.
His initial appointments were well known neocons. This appointments made many anti-war supporters of his "outsider" administration significantly disappointed. Since then he has replaced many of the members of his cabinet and their advisors.
McMaster is the latest example who appears to have been a Soros mole. Why would he have left him there? Why would he have allowed Fiona Hill to remain in place despite questioning her loyalty?
Perhaps he needed to behave as if he was clueless while reeling in the bad actors.