Alex Jones has built a huge influence network. This is crazy, in fact I keep trying to disprove it but I can't.
I've spent months mapping this out. It includes former Presidential candidates, and personalities reaching MILLIONS of people.
There are probably personalities on this list that you trust/follow, so connect the dots and verify this for yourself.
Infowar influence network members share common characteristics, they love to claim censorship from any source they can find as it build their perceived credibility (and this was before the big bans). Many tend to push crypto, have hollywood connections, and there are is a large representation of particular new media outlets.
They love to play both sides of the fence and pit their actors against one another to simulate pseudo realistic situations.
For example, they are all neither pro, nor anti Q. You have some that are pro Q (Jordan Sather), and others that oppose vigorously (Lee Stranahan).
It's all part of their show, which is one big scripted movie (potentially the reason for all the actors on this list). So how do you think Q fits into this? That is an open question.