>>2930642 pb
>>2930790 pb
>>2903975 pb
>>2903975 pb
My theory goes like this.
He made a deal. He endorses Kavanaugh to assure his confirmation by the Congress.
He demands that they give him a nice funeral where everyone trashes POTUS
For his part of the deal they have to prove his wishes were respected, so they refrain from execution of death sentence until after he can verify his wishes were respected, and then do his tell-all, if anything.
He already endorsed Kavanaugh
>>2932080 Pb notable
This Saudi Arabia did 9/11 news story is so old it creaks.
A mis-direction for the narrative.
Even if money was funneled through SA? Did they have the power to pull off that fucking operation, in our country?
Get off the BS train. The Media leads by the nose.
This shit is non-news. SA was non-news about 9/11 , diversion from real story, some 16. 9999 years ago.
Yes, Israel and SA are a "thing" - still makes this a mega-non-story.
a controlled "Alt" news story. So the sheep go "waa waa waa. Baa baa baa" when they read it.
Amazing how they can repeat the same worn-out stories over the years and no one notices. How often has this story been repeated to "re-fresh" their dead-end narrative.
>>2930576 pb
>>2930702 pb
>>2932689 pb notable
Mueller and them are slow-footing it not because they are on POTUS side, they slow-foot it since they hope they can avoid the noose if our President is successfully assassinated or Dems somehow win in November. (an boy are they motivated, by rook or by crook; they're busting their ass as never before to save their precious necks)
They are getting to the end of the plank they are being forced to walk down.
Everybody seems to feel the meeting POTUS had with Mueller, which was highlighted by "Q" , is the crux of the timeline.
But no one knows what went on at that meeting.
A good executive always wants to meet people in person to get knowledge about them, which you can't get any other way beside to meet in person.
Perhaps POTUS knew the trap they were setting ahead of time and just wanted to play with the dude?
Nobody knows.
Everybody who says Mueller is a white-hat seem to me to be the same voices who know shit about 9/11 and either about Mueller's long record of criminal behavior and cover-ups?
If they really remembered 9/11 atrocity and suffered from it personally they would not be harboring wishful thinking around the behavior of Mueller.
I can believe Sessions is a good-ish actor. But Mueller and Rosenstein? No they are way too stupid. They do what they do through brute force, not subtlety. They are white-collar thugs.
>>2930398 pb
>>2930437 pb
>>2930446 pb
>>2930539 pb
>>2930600 pb
>>2931063 pb
Death of [white guy] rapper.
So yes, the age has declined for the "fake death"s of youth idols -[from 27 years to 26] - sign of the times?
The motive is to discourage and dis-empower the youth generation.
They usually "kill them" when they are that young, so the individual has time to build and experience an ordinary life, usually as a political controlled commentator when they resurrect a few years later?
Decadent rock / punk / rap stars have no where to go after they burn themselves out, on stage.
I wonder how he'll hide his tattoos?
Maybe they were just decals to start?