I think this week has been fucking crazy and thoroughly satisfying
Right now we have a good thing going. the left is literally destroying itself, we don’t want to fuck up their momentum. Things are going pretty good.
I think it’s time we all need to admit to ourselves that we really don’t know jack shit about what’s going on. I believe Elon is /ourguy/ been saying that forever. With a little research, I believe Q was trying to tell us that too. The subsidies thing was not true it was fake news and he was trying to tell us that and I got called a shill for it.
As a NYer I still can’t fucking believe what they did on 9/11
Oh the wrath of God is approaching. And the truth will sing from the lips of every man woman and child. And we will know
I work in a public setting. We get people from all walks of life come in and discuss shit.
They have more money. They now KNOW that NOTHING they said was going to happen when Trump got elected happened. THEY KNOW THEY WERE LIED TO. They’re not as stupid as they tried to make us. All the poison and brainwashing can’t stop this train.
Aww shit check my digits