Could you elaborate moar please about q team explained, i do not recall that? No sarc
Can you plesse explain exactly how you did it using 7/10 post 7 out of 10 tweet cuz i am a retard and didnt get anything meaningful out of that? Thanks bro
Moar here the needs to be shot lady screams in a room with how many already converted/liberated from blackmail republicans and NOBODY gives a shit. I am honestly confoosed
Filter as much as you want, we cant blind ourselves, anons do not loose focus. We are not military to follow the commands without wuestioning, we are independent thinkers
We can as well demand justice without this screenshot
So called concernedfag here. Throw shit at me if you wish, filter, or call me shill/clown. We were researching and documenting cabals evil hoping to redpill with logic, naive i know. Then Q came and gave us hope, we are on board. We were given instructions to switch from research to counter propaganda, not everyone was happy but we got on board. Q if you are reading, we want to help but we are not military, we need to know what exactly we need to do and why. Could we please loose the cryptic shit, and get clear instructions. Also we need to be given a tiny pick in a strategy (not your level) but our strategy. For example elections in such and such, dig dirt/make memes. We would like to be updated onyour level progress ( could be coded, but maybe % wise, like we are at 70% before great awakening. Q, can ya hear me??? Maybe too much to ask.