https:// www.newsweek.com/nasa-viruses-planets-786150
https:// www.space.com/40714-search-for-alien-life-viruses.html
https:// gizmodo.com/our-universe-could-be-littered-with-alien-viruses-and-w-1822232430
So what is the full picture from maximum altitude?
These articles are maybe a baby step on a deliberate path toward disclosure.
What might the idea of 'alien viruses / interstellar viruses'? I think there are reasons to consider possibilities that alter the concept of a 'virus' and generalize to other mechanisms and hosts…
I begin with serious doubts about physics especially relativity, with general relativity in a state of failure and special relativity only being strongly favored due to occam's razor, which is a weak principle that only comes into play given a particular data set / knowledge set. Alter the data / knowledge set of prior analysis, then your occam's razor dilemma will likely completely disappear. There is no ontological underpinning to occam's razor.
General relativity is simultaneously said to posit an as of yet observed quantity of mass/energy, yet we are told it has yet to find a failure with fit to reality. General relativity is the basis for the big bang theory which places our universe on a finite timeline of existence and places a strict temporal and causal envelope around possible histories for our universe. The famous map of the cosmic background radiation shows statistically improbable artifacts of Earth's electromagnetic field. This background map was supposed to be the result of careful deep scanning of the skies along with highly effective filtering to isolate the cosmic background radiation image. Why would this show an obvious image of Earth's fields, apparent as an outline of the Earth's bodies of water? The map is clearly a fabrication. Why create this? What is being protected? Chinese scientists recently completed a project where satellites were used to test Bell's inequalities in space over large distances. Why spend all this money to have a noisier experimental limit and learning little more than with fiber optical experiments? Wouldn't this expenditure make more sense if an actual possible gain of insight could occur? These experiments make more sense as a test for superluminal causality and non-Einstein theories of space and time. Perhaps the LIGO experiments are similarly not actually looking into established physics, but are meant to test aspects of or to attempt to find a different theory that involves something like 'ether friction' and non-linearity that might be associated with a proper theory of gravity. It is notable that the primary figure in this later development of general relativity, Stephen Hawking, lived decades longer than anyone else with his variety and severity of illness.
The fake physics with hidden 'ontologically proper' physics might exist to hide different facts and theories about the history of our planet. If the universe was extremely old and on a completely different time scale, there are possibilities for replicative mechanisms that would not ever be considered within a finite-time general relativistic theory. In this model of the universe, one can imagine a priori that certain forms of 'replicators undergoing reproduction and selection' or replicators that were perhaps engineered by some other power might be propagating through our universe. Lifeforms such as our own could not propagate rapidly through the universe, but it might be possible to create machines that are able to spread through the universe and multiply far more rapidly. Maybe the history of our solar system and planet can only be understood in terms of alien machine replicators and perhaps actual alien visitation and interaction.