>>2934210 (pb)
Some information for your spreadsheet…
David Seamen is also a member of/associated with INRI >see Jesuits oath. He was recently interviewed by them for their 2018 forum as a "special guest".
Following what people are doing out there is a good thing, because they are attempting to attack Q and The Great Awakening in MANY ways and we need to be aware of it and prepared to call the LARPS out, and get ahead of them.
As Q says:
"Attacks will only Intensify"
"THINK for yourselves, TRUST yourself".
Division is what ((they)) want, pitting Q against various groups to show discrimination, trying to "associate" Q with ((their)) cabal groups - PROJECTION!! Its All right out of their playbook. All in an attempt to sway public opinion away from Q and this board.
Speaking the Jesuits, I noticed that "ex nun whistleblower Keri Burnor" has been doing many interviews over this past month on her experience in the Roman Catholic Church and how they used nanotechnology against her. Not sure what to make of her yet, she's likeable, seems very religious and is chuck full of documentation BUT I follow the rule of Trust but Verify…at least I try. Lately, it's more of Trust Nothing, Verify Everything. Calling on lawfags with Pacer should anyone choose to do more digging.
I recently came across a VLTV 4 part interview with her and I believe she recently started her own channel.
Although, I must say, it piqued my interest to look further into a book she referenced (pictured), Vatican Assassins - considered a conspiracy btw
per Wikipedia: