Anonymous ID: 044fbe Sept. 8, 2018, 11:35 a.m. No.2936059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6084 >>6105 >>6136 >>6228 >>6262


I think most of us old timers have familiarized ourselves with the way the world really operates and the manner in which government and media operates upon us. We can recognize a psyop from distance, but recognize that psyops are not necessarily malign.


Q is a quintessential psyop, but there’s nothing malignant about it. We can usually sift the wheat from the chaff. We’re being led, and we’re being misled as a necessary component, given the wider audience. Much of the material posted here by anons serves to provide an antidote to the disinformation.


We haven’t been perfect in differentiating wheat from chaff, but we’re better than most; and if Q was anything other than a benign psyop anons would have rumbled it long before now.


Frustration is a normal human reaction to real world delays. And accordingly, we do get pissed off. But most of us have recognized the nature of what’s being played out and have developed our ability to withstand the slings and arrows.

Anonymous ID: 044fbe Sept. 8, 2018, 11:48 a.m. No.2936243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6271 >>6279

I just had a home visit from a Dem rep. (Spouseanon used to be a Dem voter, grrr; but is so no more).


Said I could tell canvasser that no one would be voting Dem in this house.


When canvasser asked why, I said: do you really want to know? Then follower a torrent of declamation, particularly focusing on: absence of any constructive policies; anti-American obstruction; and matters poor canvasser probably knew nothing whatever about.


I was kind, but firm. This is the way to handle the idiots. Let them see you care deeply about our nation. Tell them why their party doesn’t get it. Shake them up, but demonstrate that we’re none of the things they claim we are.

Anonymous ID: 044fbe Sept. 8, 2018, 12:12 p.m. No.2936513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6532


The only way to fight and expect to win is on policies. A patriotic American (I was born in Britain, incidentally, but I support to the core of my being what this great experiment in freedom means) should respond to arguments directed to improving the life of all Americans, irrespective of skin color, place of family origin, or current level of advantage or otherwise. Failure to support Americans can easily be turned to questions of essential patriotism, which will always expose the rats that loathe America.


Q is correct: patriots have no skin color. Those who are not against our values of liberty are with us, even if they don’t yet know it.