Anonymous ID: 6d8946 Sept. 8, 2018, 2:30 p.m. No.2938083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8521

Hey you guise, I was just watching a music video that I wanted to share with anons as far as symbolism goes, but then I had another idea hit me.


In the music video, you see all life being wiped out, and the human wake up to realize they had let their ignorance destroy the world before they themselves, die.


I started to ask myself, what if this video represents the NWO plan to destroy us and wipe us out. Why and how would they do that? How would they start over if all life is blown away?


Then I remembered something about the Global Seed Vault in Norway.




This seed vault was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.




Founded in 2008, the largest store of seeds, in a vault protected by 4 locked doors. The vault is strong enough to withstand a nuclear blast. But it's not just plants that have been stored away.


Genomes of endangered animal species have also been stored.


It was a project that was started by the American Museum of Natural history, specifically one Julie Feinstein.


The American Museum of Natural History is directed by Ellen V. Futter


Futter is a director of a number of corporations and not-for-profit organizations. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, National Institute of Social Sciences and the Academy of American Poets, as well as of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, New York State Bar Association, and American Bar Association.


She formerly served as chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and chairman of the Commission on Women's Health of The Commonwealth Fund. She has received numerous honorary degrees, including from Yale University. She is director of JPMorgan Chase, director of Consolidated Edison, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and on the board of overseers of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.


(((they))) have been preparing for the aftermath of a mass population wipe out. But how would they be able to achieve this?


5G Towers


They are setting up these towers EVERYWHERE and have the ability to kill a person, all they would have to do is hit the button and BOOOOM!


This, I hope, is why POTUS and Q stepped in. It's bigger than the trafficking, than the terrorism and all of it combined.


STOP 5G Towers!


I know this has probably already been talked about, but it's just dawning on me. We really need to make an effort to stop this.


I think I need a break today, talk to you guys later.


Love to all you anons, and that's what we all need more of. Some love and some awareness, they took that from us so we were more absorbed in our TV than the suffering of humanity. And that, I think, fucks me up the most.


This is why there's no point in responding to shills, throwing insults and whatever else…if POTUS and Q had not stepped in, we'd have all been dead. Let that sink in and lurk moar.