Anonymous ID: b8eb77 Sept. 8, 2018, 2:37 p.m. No.2938153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8158 >>8177 >>8184 >>8290 >>8604 >>8615 >>8625

The Vice-President Is the Treasonous Author of the NYT Op-ed


The New York Times Op-ed is one of the most disgusting displays of cowardice on the part of a so-called journalistic enterprise. Op-ed’s are not anonymous.


To the author of the Op-ed, you are a coward and a traitor. As an American who expects Trump administration members to work towards the betterment of the country and not focus on the plotting the demise of the President, this display borders on treason on the level of Benedict Arnold. The author(s) needs to be put in prison.

Who Is the Author?


Undoubtedly, the author of this disgusting and fake set of revelations is Vice-President, Mike Pence. He has been the Deep State’s insurance policy from the beginning of Trump’s term in office. And because Pence is so important to the Deep State, it is not likely that Pense delivered the work to the NYT. He and the Deep State would need plausible deniability. Therefore, someone else authored the piece, but make no mistake about it, Pense is the author. Pense is the source of most of the White House leaks and it is easy to prove that Pense is the President in waiting and I am talking about 2020, not 2024.


I have never approved of President Trump’s choice for Vice-President. For reasons that will reiterate, later in this article, Pence and the Trump agenda are horribly mismatched.


When Trump made his VP announcement, I did not waiver in my support of Trump, but I was very vocal in my opposition to Pence. I was roundly criticized by many Trump supporters for expressing my opposition to the Pence appointment. Now, it would appear that a big “I told you so” may be in order.


Pence is salivating at the notion that the Democrats,or some nefarious set of people, will remove Donald Trump from office through invoking the 25th Amendment’s disability clause. The Democrats allege that Trump is mentally ill and this will be their justification. Assassination remains a real possibility,

Is this why Pence has a Presidential PAC for 2020?


These stunning facts give rise to the fact that Trump’s biggest internal obstacle may prove to be Pence and his unbridled ambition to become the next President.

Pence Is Betting on Impeachment or Assassination


Vice-President Pence’s true colors surfaced immediately after the inauguration. I said it when he was selected for the VP spot. Pence is a globalist and a selfish opportunist. This fact is now being born out as he started a PAC in order that he may run for President in 2020, not 2024 which is what any loyal VP would be doing.


The name of the PAC is the Great America Committee. Why would a Vice-President need his own PAC? This is not the Trump/Pence PAC, it is merely the Pence PAC and it unashamedly demonstrates Pence’s lack of support for Trump and his ideals as he is preparing to run for President in 2020.


This should not be surprising as Pence should have already publicly defended his boss in the media when the revelations about Trump’s locker room talk surfaced during the campaign. Pence did not stand by Trump. He could have said something like “what would the country rather have, a man who engages in common locker room talk, or a woman who is a traitor to her country”? Crickets were chirping in the Pence camp.


When Pence went to Trump over Flynn’s lying to him, Trump did fire Flynn. Why didn’t Pence hold a press conference and stating this? Instead, Pense left issue open hoping it would engulf Trump, which it did to some degree. the lies being told by Comey with regard to the obstruction of justice allegation and collusion with the Russians. Pence is Trump’s Achilles heel.

The New York Times Exposes Pence’s Disloyalty to Trump


Pence is no stranger to the NYT. This is one of the reasons why this allegation is so easy to prove. Pence’s disloyalty is on full display in a previous New York Times article.


From the New York Times


“….The centerpiece of the effort is a string of dinners held every few weeks at the vice president’s official residence on the grounds of the Naval Observatory in Washington. Mr. Pence and his wife, Karen, have presided over at least four such soirées, and more are in the works. Each has drawn roughly 30 to 40 guests, including a mix of wealthy donors such as the Chicago hedge fund manager Kenneth C. Griffin and the brokerage firm founder Charles Schwab, as well as Republican fund-raisers and executives from companies like Dow Chemical and the military contractor United Technologies.


