Anonymous ID: 821763 Sept. 8, 2018, 4:47 p.m. No.2939442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9460 >>9467


just some thoughts…


we have all learned how (((they))) have found creative ways to communicate:


email drafts

game chats

URL misspellings

twitter code



What about numbers??? Colors??? and Names???


"symbolism will be their downfall"


Numbers, Colors, and Names ARE being used as symbols, too.

As most here know, letters in some languages represent numbers and letters, and some represent MEANINGs in and of themselves.


Sometimes the numbers chosen in an article do not represent the actual numbers of the topics that are written about.


An example:

This article is about the PURPLE ribbons that the Dems wore the night of the SOTU

" In 2016,more than 42,000 people in the US died of drug overdoses linked to strong painkillers".

It wasn't even CLOSE to 42000, it was 65,000.


42 is the number representing the flow of time and events to the arrival of a household—an Anti-Christ or Christ– household, in the Bible

purple represents: royalty, majesty, high officials (in the Bible) [scarlet represents blood]

Then of course is the verse: Rev 17:4 (yeah, the woman clothed in scarlet and purple, having a GOLDEN cup in her hand full of abominations, that would "fit" this scene–IMHO

[Why do (((they))) paint themselves GOLD?]

The Time's Up pin from the Golden Globe ceremony meaning:

TIM is underlined twice for emphasis: the meaning of Tim (Timothy) in the BIble is God's Honor

UP in this context means: is at an end


Perfect pic, btw, representing "as above, so below", the DUALITY in which we have been trapped, like a bent sappling snare.


2 Timothy 2:25-26 King James Version (KJV)


25 In meekness instructing THOSE THAT OPPOSE THEMSELVES; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;


26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.


Another example:


This article is discussing the "Time's Up" movement of sexual harassment in Pedowood and the quest for "gender parity" (TM)


"A group of more than 300 leading women…"


(300= the Spirit of God, completeness)

Within the body of the article, a separate article is referenced with hyperlink


"an open letter written on behalf of 700,000 female farm workers…"

(7- completion, 100-a multiplier that increases significance)

In this article (supposedly), Latino "female farm workers" are responding to the "brave" Pedowood Actresses for standing up.

The letter was signed "in solidarity" Alianza Nacional de Campesinas.


And Kain (Cain) means Tiller of the GROUND [farmer]

