Anonymous ID: a53a33 Sept. 8, 2018, 4:32 p.m. No.2939318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9332 >>9365

This post is about an unusual sky event I witnessed on December 24, 2017 while driving south along the 5 freeway near downtown Los Angeles (on my way to a Christmas Eve dinner) just after 5pm.


But first, some background: Beginning December 4th, a series of wildfires began in the remote mountainous regions north and west of Los Angeles, the worst being the wind driven Thomas Fire which burned through Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, causing extensive damage to properties and agriculture. The following rains in January 2018 would lead to severe mudslides, flooding and loss of lives throughout the fire effected regions.


After the fire passed through residential regions in Ventura county, multiple unusual images and stories began to surface suggesting the use of Directed Energy Weaponry being used throughout the region as an explanation for the inexplicable photos of burned homes and melted vehicles surrounded by unburned vegetation. Keep in mind that Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa barbara counties are Democractic party stronghold regions. If (((they))) wanted to pull off something henous like a damaging wildfire event, and get away with it (to keep the global warming narrative going, "burn" through insurance claims money, forcing Trump to give the state of CA disaster zone money), knowing the brainwashed citizenry won't question the official statements, the Southern CA kingdom of liberals is the ideal place to do it.


Adding to the mix, on December 22, 2017, SpaceX launched a rocket carrying (they claim) multiple satellites from Vandenberg Air Force base along the Santa Barbara County coast northwest of Los Angeles county. Occuring near sunset, the launch was viewed as a spectacular sky event throughout the entire west coast, from as far away as Tucson AZ, to airline passengers flying over Utah. Countless images and videos of the event are available for viewing on the internet. Though I did not witness the SpaceX launch, I have personally witnessed and photographed a previous rocket/missile launch from Vandenberg at sunset, and it is indeed a phenomenal sky event.


Two days following the December 22 Vandenberg launch, at just past 5pm (early dusk at that time) I was driving south along the 5 freeway heading toward downtown LA, when I spotted a large ball of fire falling to the ground directly in front of me. The total event lasted less than 3 seconds, which is actually a long time to observe what one would assume was a falling meteor. I have seen falling stars streaking across the sky, but never a meteor. Or was it? What was unusual about this was the seemingly slow rate of falling, and that it wasn't just a large ball of fire. The strongest impression I had immediately following the event is that it was some sort of large craft, broken up in pieces. The slow rate of falling was also noteworthy. I honestly thought it was a falling passenger jet at first. It was so large, and so near, it appeared to be falling right over downtown Los Angeles, or just south of there. I immediately turned on the news station to listen for any accounts of a jet aircraft crash.


While waiting to hear anything (nothing), I began to reassess what I witnessed. My line of sight during that moment was near direct south. A line drawn ahead of my location 35 miles to the coast was Long Beach, and further south the line ran between Catalina Island and San Clemente. All of it over ocean. There were no subsequent reports of anything hitting the ground, so it is likely whatever it was fell into the Pacific. There are websites which follow known pieces of space junk, including abandoned space labs, to estimate and report when and where they will burn up during atmospheric re-entry. There were no scheduled space junk re-entry events on that day, or anytime near that date.


It turned out I wasn't the only person to witness that sky event on Dec 24. Other people witnessed and reported it on a sky event website. See image.


So, what was that??? Our guys taking care of some orbital Storm related business? Some sort of cabal space base of operation above Earth taken out? something involving spaceX and the launch two days prior? Nothing would surprise me anymore. Having it fall the day before Christmas in the skies above HelL A at dusk was a nice touch.

Anonymous ID: a53a33 Sept. 8, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.2939533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9571


To add a few crumbs: consider what a given specific cult believes. There are hundreds and hundreds of them in existence, many of them very public over the course of the last few decades. The range of what they fervently believe and follow is broad, all of them claiming exclusive truth, yet little in common amongst the others. In fact, they are in competition with each other, claiming everyone else to be in a cult. The specifics of what they believe is oftentimes extraordinary in the face of reality, science and historic facts. Moon is twice as big as the sun and 4 times the distance from earth than science claims? No problem. Flying monkey gods? Sure. Our visible solar system is no more than 4 billion miles in diameter (less than the diameter of Neptunes orbit)? Eclipses are caused by a beheaded demon eating the sun or moon, yet because he has no body, the sun and moon soon reappear below his neck. Stupid, childish and idiotic, and that's just one cult. Hello hare krishna. We see you.

Anonymous ID: a53a33 Sept. 8, 2018, 5:01 p.m. No.2939571   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In other words, nothing about cults surprise me. Death rituals, blackmail schemes, all of it totally believable given the range of what cult members believe - anything and everything.