>>2939604 pb
Can't blame autocorrect for that.
Luv the anons no homo.
Suppose POTUS is the DS's secret weapon?
Like fine wine, anon.
just screen caps from amatuer porn sites that fags rip off to make you think it's their gf's.
Respiratory Therapist is something you go to community college for 6 weeks to learn, right?
Probably they have the classes in prisons, too.
you can always tell who's never had an encounter with the police or never had the balls to tell them what they really think.
too many juveniles on board for me.
Godspeed, anons.
kek anon for posting fact. joohaters gonny joohate and be the obnoxious, obsessed boors that they are.
BO, this asshole keeps posting fake memes.
We got bandwidth for that?
yawn. there's no support for that sophistry in the passage. you should read before holding yourself out to be an expert on it.