We need a certification for photos of women who are actually freely doing this. Like certified organic free range porn or something.
I wish all porn was deleted from the internet tbh. Not talking about tasteful, voluntary nudes here. Poor kids these days, they have no idea what this stuff is doing to them. And we know they do not listen.
So kek
No idea what ur on about…
I see shit all the time irl that is very interdasting, but they are usually not showing up on adsb. Patriots are currently kicking much ass in the skies as far as I can tell tho!
All the pr0n talk in this bread got me trying to dig on strip clubs. The biggest operator is Deja Vu based in vegas. Turns out they own all the clubs in san francisco. Owned by the Mohney's. They have some clubs with Buck's in the name, like Bucks Racks and Ribs for ex. Wonder what kind of bad shit they are up to. Trying to find a link to Alefantis et all, gotta be something there. Almonds tingling. Worth a look see, autists.
I know thats why i think there may be a connection