Any planefags awake?
8+ F14s just passed over my house in the last 10 minutes. I assume NG.
Anybody can track their flight? West Coast.
I'm leaving to get lunch.
Any planefags awake?
8+ F14s just passed over my house in the last 10 minutes. I assume NG.
Anybody can track their flight? West Coast.
I'm leaving to get lunch.
My mistake. They must have been F-15s.
They were not in formation, but almost single file over the course of 5-10 minutes.
Either a drill or scrambled for some other reason. Remember a few weeks back when that Q400 was stolen?
Apparently nobody here knows how to track planes. I don't either. But I definitely saw 8+ F-15s over my house about an hour ago.
Would be the same ANG planes that scrambled for that Q400.
They were not in formation, but single file and spaced out.
I've never witnessed 8 fighter jets flying over head. Is it somewhat common? Maybe they're stepping up for Preparedness Month.
Last week or the week before I heard a jet on afterburners fly over my house. Very unusual here since about the late 80s.