Anonymous ID: 12ff58 Sept. 8, 2018, 6:56 p.m. No.2940819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0830 >>0844 >>0871 >>0904 >>0911 >>0960 >>1013

Loved the Q+ post from earlier today.


Love the stuff happening out there in the political sphere…


But I am not yet convinced that Q is actually part of any group that's making shit happen. Seems like a lot of "rah rah" hype building us up and keeping us "hooked"… and a lot of vague predictions of "booms" that anyone can tell would happen if they're just paying attention to stuff outside of the Q sphere… Hell, Dan Bongino has all of this stuff figured out and I don't think he's getting any info from the Q research stuff…


I've seen all the proofs. I still have my doubts. I guess I just am a very tough skeptic. What I'd really love to see is Q say something like "We are now doing XYZ" then have it actually HAPPEN… Nothing vague. Nothing "happening soon"… soon is subjective.


I'll be honest, Q lost some of my trust by trying to claim it's NOT a coincidence that the file name of that twitter picture started with DOITQ… He implied that it was by design… that it was an engineered thing… that it was a SIGNAL… But twitter GENERATES those image names when you upload to twitter. It doesn't matter what YOUR file name is, the file name is a randomized hash… So when Q posted on 9/6 that the "DOITQ" file name start was a 1 in billion coincidence, as if it were by design, and done as a wink and nod to Q directly from POTUS?


No. Sorry… Not buying it… as far as I'm concerned, Q would have had a lot more credibility if he were to laugh about it and say "Naw, that was not even intentional… it was all just a funny coincidence to be honest." To have us try to believe otherwise means we have to believe they have control over such a mundane and useless part of the Twitter system… it just stretches all credibility.


My only other conclusion is that Q was just implying it was intentional and engineered to feed into the conspiracy theorist mindset… but I'd rather he just be honest.


It's really crazy how Q has undermined his own credibility and trust. He has engaged in disinformation, because it's necessary… but that alone sets up a "heads I win, tails you lose" situation. No matter what he says now, the true believers will always have an "out" for when things don't pan out the way Q "predicted".


Q Predicts X, and X happens? Q is a genius.

Q Predicts X and X doesn't happen? Q must have been giving us disinfo to throw off the enemy! Q is a genius.


Either way, Q is a genius in the minds of the true believers.


Unfortunately for me and for Q, this raises the bar on what a valid PROOF must be.


At this point, my faith in the plan is shaken. My faith in Q as legitimate is waning. When I see Q say anything anymore, I don't trust it… because it's about a coin flip as to whether or not it will actually happen… if it does happen, Q is a genius… if it doesn't happen, well, you know that the enemy monitors 8chan, and sees everything Q posts… he was just making the prediction to prod the enemy into action to reveal themselves, right? RIGHT?


Oh and by the way… if you pray to god and you get what you prayed for, well then GOD IS LISTENING and GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS! But if you do NOT get what you prayed for, well… God works in mysterious ways, and… God doesn't always give us what we want, he gives us what we NEED… which may not be the same thing… right?


No matter what, god is "proved" and reaffirmed, right?


I'm sorry, but no… I don't fall for such foolishness. I'm not here to worship a god. I'm here to watch the evil motherfuckers of the deep state and cabal BURN! I'm here to learn whether or not Hillary and Obama will answer for their crimes! I'm here because I need to have hope that SOMETHING will be done other than public scorning of these fucking evil traitors… I want their heads on a fucking platter! And I'm losing faith every day that it will ever actually happen.


I mean after all… McCain was an evil sonofabitch, but HIS crimes can't be fucking revealed for the good of the nation? FUCK THAT NOISE! That alone is enough for me to levy a charge against Q of "breach of trust"…


Whatever happened to "promises made, promises kept"???


I'm fucking pissed… Q, get your act together, whoever the hell you are!

Anonymous ID: 12ff58 Sept. 8, 2018, 7:08 p.m. No.2940960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0969 >>1036 >>1113


Remember when he did that one rally, and Q said that the timetable was being moved up because POTUS said it was time?


Yeah… time table wasn't moved up in any discernible way… We still had to wait for the PS hearing, and the LP hearing, and on and on and on… still had to wait, still had to let things play out… there was no timetable acceleration… no new attacks made on the enemy…


>Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 682934 No.1838471 📁

>Jun 20 2018 20:22:46 (EST)

>We serve at the pleasure of the President.

>We left the decision on timing to him.

>Today, at the rally, he made his decision.

>Shift in tactics.

>Attacks ^



Uh huh… whatever Q…


What about 8/16 where Q directly replied to an Anon about the 4 planes going down in Puru, Argentina, etc? What the fuck ever came of that? He implied that it was another "Four BOOM set"… (See attached pic)…


Q has this ANNOYING habit of having Anons mention notable events and then claiming "Yep, those are the booms I predicted! Yup yup yup! Sure 'nuff, that's EXACTLY the shit we set in motion and caused to happen!"


Are you fucking kidding me? FOUR BOOMS HAPPEN EVERY FUCKING DAY if you keep the bar low enough! I could mention any number of news items and be like "OMG, LOOK AT THE 4 BOOMS THAT HAPPENED TODAY, RIGHT AFTER Q PREDICTED 4 BOOMS!"


And then Q picks my post, gives me a (you), and says "Gee, aren't we clever? See? Told you there would be BOOMS"… and all you blind sheep anons jizz all over your keyboards at how fucking AMAZING Q is…


Remember the June 3rd "BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM" in the shape of a pistol? We never really learned what those 4 booms were… not directly from Q… Some other anon was like "uh, were these the booms?" and Q merely quoted him and was like "Hehehehehe"…


It was a week to remember? REALLY? I don't remember any of the booms that happened that week… just more build up build up build up… more hearings, more pushing for unredacted shit… Nothing BOOM worthy at all!


Then there was the 8/11 "four booms" post… (pic related)


He said 4 booms [NEXT WEEK]… what were THOSE booms? Did someone order a chicken sub from Subway? That counts as a BOOM, right?


Fuck's sake…

Anonymous ID: 12ff58 Sept. 8, 2018, 7:19 p.m. No.2941091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1115


Fuck off faggot, I never said it was all for nothing. Strawman argument much?


Fuck you.


I'm saying Q is undermining his own credibility, and my faith in him is shaken…. I'm no longer going to be telling ANYONE about Q, because I can't endorse something I am not certain is legitimate.