Posobiec associate and fellow operative
Her video re Posobiec outing Q on OAN as a fraud was very funny and also well done and informative
>and stop following (((them))) MOSSAD.
I don't "follow" them
But I do like exposing them for the FAKE MAGA operatives that they are
>he looks a lot like that woman a while back that "stopped an attack on POTUS"
Completely different people
Fairbanks is relatively well know in the FAKE MAGA crowd
>vendetta against 'alt right' vector through infowars, nice new shill tactic
I think you meant to say
FAKE MAGA Mossad operatives
>Nobody cares, he's a nobody.
Microdick is nobody, but keeping tabs on him/she/it isn't a bad idea as he has insinuated Q anons will commit violence
It seems they are trying to set up a FF
I also would not be surprised if they were the ones calling in the pre rally threats
>Regardless who is doing it, /ourguys/ know and are monitoring their every breath.
I know and I hope they are publicly outed, whomever is making the threats
>and you believe that famewhore?
It is reasonable to make other anons aware that he is claiming death threats by anons
I have some of them saved, one was a reference to treason in general and not a threat against Microdick at all
They are attempting to set up a FF
>Don't be to concerned about 'satan c'.
He doesn't like his bx being exposed
He is beginning to crack
There is a difference between "being concerned" and observing behavior
I am not concerned