From a friend. I "Shared" this Photo a year ago and my Song Remains The Same today. Everything from JFK, to 9/11, to Today is a Rich Man's Trick. As, America is "Bankrupt" today, follow the Money. It's, not "If" we're Bankrupt, it's "When" they tell US. Could be Today! This is what I wrote a year ago today: Secret Covenant New Age Truth Collage: The New Age is the same as the Old Age. Won't Get Fooled Again! The "Ruling" War Pigs have Sympathy For The Devil. The "New Agers" worship Lucifer for God-sake. The "Enlightened Ones" think they are God's, and they call me "Crazy", isn't that Crazy? People can call me "Crazy", as I believe I will be called "Right" in The End, but then it will be too late. The People did not stand for the Truth, when they needed to most, and that is in "The End". The Truth hurts, but if The People don't Stand for it, they Die - History. Those, who do not learn from History, are doomed to repeat it. I believe we are about to become "History". The Truth, or The End, our Choice. I believe we are under the "Rule" of the Occult and our Days are Numbered. I believe we are living in the 11th Hour. As far as we have come as a Society, it all goes back to Good, versus Evil. Choose Your Side! Our Society is "Ruled" by Sociopaths. A Sociopath is a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. Look familiar? Actually, look at "Familiar", as I see Family of Liars. The Sociopaths get their Fraternal Order Followers to make The People, and the Truth, the Enemy of Society. We, The People, pay the Fraternal Order Followers to do it. If you have to Society, to succeed in this Society, then Society is not well. It's Sick, and Twisted, in my Book. Everything, is Upside-Down, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. I believe the Secret Societies of the Military Industrial Complex are Hell-Bent on bringing US down to the New World Order. I believe everything that Eisenhower warned US about in his Military Industrial Complex Speech, over 55 years ago, is controlling US today. I believe everything that JFK warned US about in his Secret Society Speech, over 55 years ago, is "Ruling" US today. Everything from JFK, to 9/11, to Today is a Rich Man's Trick. As, America is "Bankrupt" today, follow the Money! It's, not "If" we're Bankrupt, it's "When" they tell US. Could be Today! I believe we are being set-up to "Default" to the New World Order. I believe the Massive Military Industrial Complex, built on a Credit Card, will be used against US when we Default. I believe we are about to "Pay" for it with our Freedom, our Nation, and then our very Lives. Order, out of Chaos, the New World Order. I believe we are under the "Rule" of the United Nations-Led Evil Royal Elite ZioNeoNazi Masonic Satanic War Pig Banker Hypocrite Secret Societies of the New World Order. It's "US", against "Them", in my Book. All Members of Secret Societies have to decide which side they are on, are they with "US", or with "Them". But, they can't have it both ways, as I have seen many things that suggest the Brotherhood goes both ways. I can only hope President Donald J Trump does the "Right" thing, and takes "Them" down, before they take "US" down. Nazi = National Zionism aka Zionists. Look familiar? Welcome to the Fourth Reich, whose Fifth Objective, is for a New World Order. The "New" Reich, is the same as the "Old" Reich, We've Been Fooled Again. I believe we are living out the Script to "End" all Scripts. Literally, living it out, until we live no more. The "Grand Finale" of the End Script? Who knows? Everything is a Secret, when forced to Talk, they Lie. The "Ruling" Evil Royal Family (Brotherhood) of Liars. I believe the End Script is a combination of Stories in History Books, and End Time Stories in the Bible, rolled into one action-packed Script. I believe the Politicians, and many of our Public Servants, are playing Leading Roles. I believe they see the End Script as a Comedy. They are laughing at all of US! It's so funny, that I forgot to laugh, and it actually makes me sick. Money is called "Script". Coincidence? I believe there is more to this Story then meets the "Ruling" Evil Royal Elite ZioneoNazi Masonic Satanic All -Seeing Eye. Just like, everything else, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. All you have to do to see it is turn over a one dollar bill, you will find the Illuminati Pyramid Scheme with their All-Seeing Eye at the top, and New World Order written on the bottom. It's next to "In God We Trust", which proves who their God is, the Root of all Evil! Follow the Money!
I believe the Evil Royal Elites behind our Funny Money are behind the End Script. Money is Power, and because of their actions ours is Worthless, leaving them Powerless. I believe America has been dealt the End Game, it follows their "Rigged" Royal Game of Monopoly, part of their "Rigged" Royal Game of Life. Death follow Life. The "Object" of the End Game? I believe we are witnessing the Controlled Demolition of America, using Controlled Opposition, to bring US down to the New World Order. Our so-called Government admitted "Guilt" in the Conspiracy to Assassinate MLK, as the same should be said in the Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK, and RFK. Dead Men Don't Talk. They, can Kill the Messenger, but they can't Kill the Message. I believe America is living out the JFK Story, literally living it out, until we live no more. The "Plot" of the JFK Story? Since, The People did not stand for the Truth on the Assassination of JFK, we received 9/11 Decades later. What's next? A Nuke? I believe 9/11 was a Controlled Demolition, which was part of an Occultist Ritual, to bring US down to the New World Order. Find, the Truth on 9/11, and I believe we will have found the Truth on the Assassination of JFK. Same, Evil Royal Elite ZioNeoNazi Masonic Satanic "Plot", different day. Nothing "Changes", without the "Truth", we're living proof. But, I believe the days of US living under the "Rule" of Secrets and Lies are Numbered, the Writing is on my Wall. My Book is a mix of Politics, Religion, Life, and Death. The Cardinal Sins of Conversation in a Brainwashed Nation, and World, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. Politics and Religion "Rule" our Lives until we Die. I figure it is better to write about them, and talk about them, then to die over them. The Plan? The Truth, or The End, our Choice. Our so-called Government created and built Al-Qaeda. What would make anyone believe ISIS is any different? When, all else fails, blame the Aliens! They blame everyone, but themselves, the Guilty. You would have to be living on another Planet to believe anything they say at this point. Those, who fail to learn from History, are doomed to repeat it. What we allow, will continue, and be done onto US. If, we are going to allow ourselves to live under the "Rule" of the Evil Royal Elite ZioNeoNazi Masonic Satanic War Pig Banker Hypocrite Secret Societies of the New World Order, we better get to know "Them" real well. It's "US", against "Them", in my Book. Guessing they are all of the same Evil Royal Elite Bloodline, and have only changed their Names, to protect the Guilty! The Master Race, the Chosen Ones, or whatever they want to call themselves. I believe our Secret CIA are Agents for the Evil Royal Elite Federal Reserve "Rigged" System, at the direction of the Council on Foreign Relations, overseen by the State Department. They are all Enemies of "Our" State in my Book. I believe we are our own worst Enemy, followed closely, by our so-called Allies. With, Friends "Like" this, who needs Enemies? To solve the Crime, of 9/11, follow the Money. To solve the Crime of the Wars, based on 9/11, follow the Money. To solve the Crime, of the Destruction of America, follow the Money. Our so-called Government hands Israel Billions, while the Israeli Lobby Finances our Politicians, and the argument could be made they are Financing themselves! I believe the Evil Royal Elites behind our Funny Money are behind 9/11, Wars, and New World Order. Our Funny Money is nothing but Paper, and for all those who think they are rich, are only holding more Paper then the rest of US. It's not worth the Paper it is printed on. There is no "Justice" in America until we get the Truth starting with 9/11, Wars, and New World Order. One Thing Leads To Another. 9/11 + Wars = New World Order. This is a Plan aka a Conspiracy. I believe they they lead to the death of all of US. The Plan? I believe 9/11 was the Big Event needed to put the "Plan", for a New World Order, in motion. The days of "We investigated ourselves and we did nothing wrong" need to End today, as there be no Tomorrow, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. The Plan? Tomorrow's Headlines, but we won't be around to see, or hear about them. Rigged System, Rigged Investigations, Rigged Buildings, Rigged Elections, Rigged Everything, also known as Reality! Was, Obama Nation, being "Led" into the Abomination of Desolation? I believe we have a critical case of End Time Deception that is Self-fulfilling Prophecy. Ends Times, just don't happen, they are made to happen. I believe we will Die, if we continue to Live, the 9/11 Lie. Problem / Reaction / Solution.
The Government to the Rescue! Tragic Events, don't just happen, they are made to happen. Tragic Events make great Headlines for the New World Order News Channels. They bring in huge Ratings, as Americans can't get enough of watching people kill each other, until it's them. The Plan? Wars, just don't happen, they are made to happen. Mankind must ends Wars before Wars end Mankind. The Plan? I believe there is a Mass Conspiracy and Mass Cover-up, includes the Mass Media, of the Destruction of America. I believe it is all part of the "Mass" Conspiracy for a New World Order. A Black Mass, created by the "Ruling" Evil Royal Elite ZioNeoNazi Masonic Satanic War Pig Banker Hypocrite Secret Societies of the New World Order, all in the Name of Black Sabbath. I believe the Treasonists are the "True" Terrorists, Insider Traders, and Traitors. I believe we have Acts of Treason, in the highest Degree, being committed by those sitting in the highest places. How can we have Separation of Church, and State, when the State is a Religion? Statism, idea's so good, they need to be kept a Secret. Statism, idea's so good, they need to be Mandatory. Statism, is the most dangerous Religion, in my Book. I believe we have a "Critical" Case of End Time Deception that is Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. I believe we have "Stories" in History Books, and "End Time" Stories in the Bible, being played our right before our very Eyes. But, few want to "See" it, much less "Believe" it. I believe we are living out an Evil Royal-Made Script, that includes History Books, and the Bible. I believe we are living out the Evil Royal Nazi Playbook, literally living it out, until we live no more. I believe 9/11 was Nazi Germany's Fire at the Reichstag, a False Flag Terror Attack, to create False Flag Wars. I believe we are our own worst Enemy followed closely by our so-called Allies. With, Friends like this, who needs Enemies? Wars, and Rumors of Wars, surround US. Damascus is "Falling". I believe we are being "Set-up" for Nuclear World War, against the Great Enemy from the North (Russia), as we stand by the side of Israel until the day we die. Could be today! The War scenario described, along with the New World Order, come straight out of "End Time" Stories. Coincidence? My Life, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies, is one Big Coincidence. Einstein said "Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous". Who, am I, to argue with Einstein? The Truth, or The End, our Choice. United we Stand / Divided we Fall. Stand now, or forever hold our peace, as in RIP. Silence, is Consent, and can be Deadly. The Plan? Follow the Money! The Root of all Evil, which has touched every Branch of our so-called Government, in the District of Corruption. Home of the DC Comics, the only time they tell the Truth, is when they are joking. The jokes on US! They will be laughing all the way to our Graves, unless they decide to turn US to Ash, like many of the "Forgotten" Victims on 9/11. Anyone willing and able to "Pull" off 9/11, is willing and able to "Pull" off anything, and everything. Including, "The End", at least for US. I believe they proved what they thought of US on 9/11. I believe the Clowns on the Left, and Jokers on the Right, are Stuck In The Middle with the New World Order. Anyone talking about the New World Order, is talking about the Destruction of America, in my Book. I believe we are living one Big Secret Covered-up Lie, and it's about to blow up in our face, just like the "Forgotten" Buildings on 9/11. We promised never to forget 9/11 and it's time to Pay-up, before we Pay the Ultimate Price, for allowing ourselves to be "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. I believe the Mountain of Evidence that 9/11 was an Inside Job, is as high as the "Forgotten" Twin Towers, once stood. I not only believe 9/11 was an Inside Job, I believe it was turned into, an Evil Royal Elite ZioNeoNazi Masonic Satanic Ritual. Goes with the Pre-Meditated Oil Wars, in the Name of God, based on 9/11. My Book may be proven to be a form of Suicide, better for them to do it, then me. Suicide Solution.
Guessing, I am not alone, as Suicide Rates are at all-time highs. I believe we are witnessing America commit Suicide, but most of The People want to sit back, and watch. Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death. The state of the Union is Pathetic, a direct reflection of the Pathological Liars "Ruling" it, and ruining it for all of US. Even, if anyone still believes the unbelievable "Official Story" of 9/11, it does not let them off the hook. The Evil Saudi Royal Bin Laden Family and the Skull and Bones Secret Society Member Nazi Funding Evil Royal Bush Family were Business Partners. I believe they are in the Business of Destroying America. The New World Order, is not a Conspiracy Theory, it was promised by Skull and Bones Secret Society Member Royal George HW Bush. Hitler promised a New World Order! Goes with Skull and Bones Royal GHW Bush, being the Son of Skull and Bones Prescott Bush, his Royal War Pig Banks were shut down for Funding the Nazis in WW II. We allowed the Son and Grandson, of the "Banker to the Nazis", to become President. What could possibly go wrong? Everything! I can think of 19,000,000,000,000 without looking past the massive National Debt, they built, and want US to pay for. I believe our Evil Royal Rulers and so-called Leaders make a "Living" off of "Killing" People. They make a Killing! There is no more profitable Business then War, so profitable they Fund, and Arm both sides. Doubling Down on Death! Are we, The People, next on their Agenda? I believe everything that was meant to be a "Good", has been "Infiltrated", and turned to "Evil". It, is safer to say "Everything is a Lie", then it is to say "Everything is the Truth". The goal of the New World Order is for One World Government, One World Currency, and One World Religion. THEIRS! If you think it's yours, you better think again, while you can still think for yourself. The New World Order, One World Religion, will do the thinking for all of US. Think, about that, the ultimate form of control. History proves, if they can't control, they kill. I believe Lady Di could Testify to that. But, I believe they killed her, after they couldn't control her. Just like, JFK, my Namesake. Just like, Joan of Arc, my Bloodline. Just like, Jesus, my Savior. I believe we are under the "Rule" of the Evil Royal Elite Money Changers who nailed Jesus to the Cross, burned Joan of Arc at the Stake, put a Bullet In The Head of JFK, "Pulled" off 9/11, and created the Oil Wars in the Name of God based on 9/11. Their God, the Almighty Dollar! Killing In The Name. Wake Up! Know Your Enemy. Take The Power Back! The words of Rage Against The Machine. They screamed at US, over 20 years ago, about everything happening to our so-called Nation today. This is a Plan! I believe the Evil Royal Elites behind our Funny Money are behind 9/11, the Wars, and New World Order. While our Evil Royal Rulers, and so-called Leaders can keep Secrets and tell US Lies, God knows all. I believe he has seen and heard enough. I believe the Message of the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) is" "The Truth" or "The End". The Truth will set US Free (John 8:32). Free at last. Free at last. Free and Independent. One Thing, I can tell you, is you've got to be Free. Come Together, right now, over me. It's, Now or Never, Do or Die time. Sudden Death, could appear like a Thief in the Night, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. Of, all The People to walk the face of the Earth, we get to live out "The End". Lucky US! Of, all The People to walk the face of the Earth, I get the Message from above to avoid "The End". Lucky Me! When you receive a Message from above like the Truth, or the End, Nothing Else Matters. May, God Bless the United States of America, because we need it! See my entire Facebook Page, it's my Book - Change 2017. It follows Change 2016, Change 2015, Change 2014, Change 2013, and Change 2012.
PS: Don't shoot the Messenger. It's God's "Call of Duty" for all of US. Peace.
Peace not WAR!!