Anonymous ID: 9c0353 Sept. 8, 2018, 9:48 p.m. No.2942504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2576 >>2599








  1. USA suffers from a lack of cohesion. check

  2. USA suffers from white flight. check

  3. USA, The Republic, is divided on race alone. check

  4. USA has a diversity PROBLEM just like Brazil once did (and currently does to some effect). check

  5. USA thinks the solution to the problem is setting aside our differences and making everyone the same through miscegenation. check

  6. There are those on both sides that have issues with miscegenation for a smorgasbord of reasons. check.

  7. There doesn't seem to be a solution to this problem that everyone can agree on. check.

  8. Even GEOTUS has had a bout with this on a personal level (Kara Young). check.


OK. You guys ready for this one? I don't think you are.




There's a reason that we keep getting blondes. There's a reason that we keep seeing blue eyed people, or redheads, or Icelandic powerhouses, or dark skinned football players. There's a reason we see a veritable amount of people with black hair and brown eyes. There's a reason Asians look the way they do. Same for African, Hispanic, Philippine, and Fuji folk. That reason is that people gravitate to comfort zones, or cultural familiarity. It's natural that some gravitate to a category other than their own. It's natural that some seek out something exotic. What isn't "OK" is that many are taught (from an elementary age) that you SHOULD do this to preserve posterity towards anti-racist attitudes. People should be allowed the freedom to make their own choices as long as they realize, and are educated, to the outcomes of such choices''. Many have no clue the outcomes of the choices they make; hence the ''REAL' problem.


The United States isn't going to change the attitudes to that, though there's been some experimenting going on here, for a long time, in an attempt to the contrary. That experiment has already happened in Brazil, and a few other places, and we've seen the end result. Everyone's the same, and everyone's equally controlled. That experiment that is happening here now is an attempt to blur to lines and keep us all subdued based on a flawed ideology. That ideology is one of smashing differences by sacrificing tradition the alter of diversity. All of our traditions. What we haven't learned, is, how to combat the divisiveness implanted in our collective cultures to overthrow the subjugative nature of (((their))) grand scheme.


Civic Nationalism is their greatest fear. Multiple cultures united under a banner of unity for a cause of Liberty and Patriotism. Liberty and Patriotism that permeates the racial boundaries and causes all to stand in reverance of the sacrifice of those willing to fight for the cause of freedom for all scares the ever living SHIT out of (((the enemy))). It scares them because they have no recourse to this other than physical conflict or racist platitudes/arguments.


It's the reason Q calls us to unity. It's the reason Q reminds us that Patriots have no skin color. It's because of that, that they are scared, and that their greatest (and most easily defeated) tactic of control is under our (anons) scrutiny. We don't have to make a mega-meld of similar-race peoples over hundreds of years to defeat our enemy. All we have to do is realize our combined strengths outweight the efforts of the dividers in our quest to independence from the cabal and their efforts to divide and conquer.


As long as we stay focused on Liberty for all, our collective efforts will be the cannonized in the annals of human progress.