Anonymous ID: a6e805 Sept. 8, 2018, 9:44 p.m. No.2942463   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Over the course of 2009 to 2011, a number of explosions occurred in Iran, damaging and incapacitating nuclear and military facilities. Also numerous individuals, who were pivotal figures in the nuclear program, were assassinated. Both Hussein and HRC were visibly disturbed by those events when they appeared in front of cameras and criticized the perpetrator (Israel).

In hindsight this makes a lot of sense, since the cabal was working towards a "Sum of all Fears" scenario, using a nuclear armed Iran as the trigger for war between Russia and US. Apparently Israel was not prepared to play along with the cabal's sinister plans, because, unlike 9/11 (when I am sure Israel played a major role in preparation and execution of the FF), this time Israel's very existence would be at stake.

I am sure many would agree that the cabal doesn't give a hoot about Israel, if its sacrifice would finally bring down the US. I believe it was Kissinger who said that after 7 decades Israel would cease to exist (but I am not sure about the quote).

This scenario would explain why Israel and its affiliated operators (AJ, Corsi, JP, etc.) within the truth movement vehemently backed DJT, knowing that he would not let a nuclear Iran happen. But they did not expect for DJT to go any further than that and attempt to free the US from Israeli meddling and control. They believed they could get rid of Iran as a threat, or keep Iran as a perpetual source of tension without any chance of actually being an existential threat, and further more consolidate their power. But after Q's emergence they realized that this is not the case. The plan seems to be to neutralize Iran first and shut down the money supply to Palestinian and Lebanese terrorist groups. Thus, de facto, taking away the excuse for Israel aggressive and expansionist policies.

That's why their fake MAGA affiliates are now up in arms against Q, trying to discredit the movement and hoping that it won't get enough following to provide the necessary context and set the stage for 9/11 truth. 9/11 truth will, once and for all, end Israeli control over the US.

I can very well imagine that Netanyahu just could not fathom DJT being willing to go as far as to completely round up the cabal and disclose the truth to the public. He probably just thought that DJT presidency is a mere course correction, by the US military, to avoid the absolute insanity of WW3, which could have meant annihilation of Israel. But now they begin to understand that it's going to be far more than that.