Anonymous ID: c24073 Sept. 8, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.2942328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2369 >>2378 >>2382 >>2542

The Rabbit was the source of creation. Spell 17 of the Book of the Dead.


"For the ancient Egyptians, the act of creation wasn’t the result of the handiwork of a single Deity. Creation came about through an initiating force springing from a primal Divine Being which then took the form of a plethora of Gods and Goddesses, Who were the manifestations of the building blocks of life. In their cosmology, divine essence underlay all that we as human beings experience with our senses in the physical world, and all that we experience in the unseen world of spirit. The universe was therefore a conscious whole in which all the parts were interrelated, a concept which underlies modern hermetic theory.

In early dynastic times this main cult center of Thoth, honored several goddesses and gods. The Ennead of Hermopolis included four pairs of creator gods and goddesses: the male deities in these pairs shown either as frogs or as frog-headed, the female deities shown as serpents or as serpent-headed. Along with these four pairs of creator deities there were two other very ancient deities, a baboon god who was subsequently assimilated by the god Thoth at a very early period, and the hare goddess Wenet.


The Hare Goddess as Guardian in the Otherworld


A portion of spell 17 of the Book of the Dead reads “…Who is he? ‘Swallower of Myriads’ is his name, and he dwells in the Lake of Wenet…” This takes on a whole new meaning when one realizes that hares can swim, coupled with the fact that creation first came about in the watery abyss of Nun, out of which the primordial mound of creation first appeared, from which the newly born god manifested. To dwell in the Lake of Wenet given the well known fecundity of the Cape Hare means to live renewed, revitalized, to be reborn, to live, forever and ever renewed after death, as the god Atum-Re. Spell 17 does go on to identify the dweller in the Lake of Wenet as Atum-Re, the creator of all, whose father is said to be Nun, because he rose out of the ‘watery abyss.’