Nice one!
Watch out.
The Secret Service has access to this board.
It is a bad idea to even joke about killing the President.
Given that the Q group and most of the senior Military officers
Running the counter-coup,
Are Freemasons, this kind of talk has no place here
Ignore the shills when they spew their shit and nonsense.
>Looks like someone is trying to set up a FF.
What is FF?
Fucking Fool?
Because only a FUcking Fool would give YOUs
To such an obvious shill.
The right way to reply
Is with a broken link like the one above
And some LOGIC and FACTS
That destroy the shill's case.
But Trump has already publicly stated
That he has no intention to abolish the Fed
Just change its structure a bit
And the first steps are already in place with new board members
Giving the administration control.
In the USA
They do not hang people
Who have no clue what they are involved in.
In fact, it can be difficult to get a jury to return a guilty plea
In a case like that.
Which means that the DA is unlikely to even lay charges.
And so far, you have not even identified which law these people have broken.
In the USA, people are not convicted because
Some fatass in momma's basement who spends all day on the Internet
Happens to be pissed at him.
In the USA, this is not a crime.
In fact, the Bill of Rights protects the right of people
To be masons
Even if their lodge leaders are murdering pedophiles.
In the USA people only get charged with crimes
That they are directly involved in.
Nobody wants a gold backed or even a silver backed currency
Except cranky Anons on the chans
Who know nothing about economics
And who do not have the guts to write a detailed description of their plan
And go out in public to defend their ideas against detractors.
It will NEVER happen.
The problem is NOT fiat currency.
It's that the central bank is privately owned by a Cabal that is above the law. If the government takes control and ownership of this central bank, then any profits the bank makes would go back to the people in the form of reduced taxes and enhanced services.
The ownership and control is what matters.
Using a gold-backed or silver-backed currency means GIVING UP CONTROL
And although people like to think that we know how much gold or silver there is, it's complicated. You can turn electrictity into gold if you live by the sea. There are mines all over but those who know about them tend to keep their mouths shut.
In a gold-backed system, the country with the biggest territory should end up with the most gold, and therefore will rule the world. So, are you ready to hand over the keys to Russia?
Are you?
Fiat currency is a BRILLIANT idea, and now that everybody has woken up to how it works, all we need to do is to kick the con-artists out of the system.
When the cult of con-artists is eliminated, it's a whole new ball game.
But if there really is a group of whitehat Illuminati and Freemasons, who have been planning this whole revolution against the Cabal for decades, then she could be a key player in bringing together, Russia, the UK and the USA in joint action.
There is really no reason at all to doubt this person, other than an easily debunked theory about the NYT Op-Ed. It did not take much investigation to find that it was a student essay from USC.
Russia is actually tapping into some of their deep abiotic oil to feed their gas pipeline system. As I understand it, you can identify the source of the petroleum as abiotic versus organic by looking at the carbon isotope percentages. Abiotic oil has a high percentage of an isotope that is absent from organic oil. And this difference is detectable through all the stages of production and end products.
And we haven't yet seriously look at LENR or cold fusion.
Given that the plane hijack ended up in RICK ROLLING the plane, I suspect that the message is that Richard Russell the economist was a Cabal plant to trick us into trying a non-fiat money system. Then out of the resulting chaos, the Cabal could save us and make lots of sheckels from knowing how things would fail, before it happened.
Yes, as long as the cabal owns the Fed, they have an endless income supply.
But if the people own the Fed, it backfires on the Cabal, because their wealth decreases in value over time unless they do real work like us. And all that growth in debt is owned by us, and can be periodically redistributed, or used to build infrastructure or eliminate taxes.
Time for me
To post an image
Of a beautiful white girl
For those who want even more white
Look at the sight of this
Beautiful white sand
A nice white shell
What more could you want?
And how do you think the Trump team knows
What really goes on inside Soros' organizations?
You cannot easily figure all of that out by tapping phones
And reading tons of emails.
Have you ever heard of Humint?
Really Anons, sometimes the moronic outbursts
Completely devoid of LOGICAL THINKING
Make me wonder how you manage to breed.
Mauritius is not Africa
Poland is not Africa
Ugly is not anywhere in this photo
And hey, look at all that white!
What more could you ask for?
I see.
So you belong to the school of thought
That believes that guns kill people.
They are inherently evil devices
No matter who operates them.
I'm glad you are not in the Trump administration.
People kill people.
And as for those 20th century wars
They were all enabled by and started by PEOPLE!
Listen carefully to what is said here. In particular AJ is not behaving the same as he does on his own programs. Why?
Alex Jones – Julian Assange – Steve Pieczenik – Covert Operations to Help Save America