Never forget those Patriots of all walks of life who came before us and laid the foundation for us to have been presented with this opportunity to take the world out of the darkness, and into the light
I actually thought about these people - who I never met or knew and how they kept up the fight for so many years.
Some died in service of fighting to bring light to the darkness.
One of the things that gets me is some died knowing that time will run out their biological clock and that the war against this evil cabal will not be won in their lifetime - in fact it could be said that the cabal was getting stronger during those years. It probably would of easy to give up, but they accepted and dealt with this and still carried out what they had to do, in their capacity and ability. This is very thought provoking but there is also a great deal of grattitude to be expressed because of where we are right now.
So to all who came before us, we will never forget. Never.