Anonymous ID: 735fa7 Sept. 9, 2018, 8:41 a.m. No.2945940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6380 >>6398 >>6481 >>6486

Lindsey Graham: NYT published anonymous op-ed because the Russia probe is falling apart




Sen. Lindsey Graham accused the New York Times on Sunday of angling to start a "new narrative" to show President Trump is "unhinged" with its decision to publish an anonymous opinion piece discussing a secret "resistance" within the Trump administration. During an interview on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures," Graham, R-S.C., suggested that the prestigious news outlet is attempting to distract from a federal Russia investigation that is "falling apart."


"Why this op-ed piece now?" Graham said, after listing off Trump's accomplishments and asserting that the op-ed won't negatively impact the GOP in the 2018 midterm elections. "The New York Times is the choir director for the Left. They set the agenda for the left and main stream media," he said. "They chose this peace to start a narrative that Trump is crazy I think because the Russia probe is falling apart. The idea that Trump colluded with Russia is falling apart before our eyes."


The op-ed piece, authored by a individual claiming to be a senior level official and published Wednesday, was yet another issue tha Trump administration officials had to contend with last week, following excerpts release from the forthcoming book by Washington Post's Bob Woodward, which outlines concerns throughout the White House over, among other things, Trump's fitness for the office. As a hunt for the author is reportedly underway, a number of high-level Trump administration officials have denied being the writer. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said on Thursday that Trump would be "justified" in using lie detector tests to find the anonymous author.

Anonymous ID: 735fa7 Sept. 9, 2018, 8:48 a.m. No.2945999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6053

Pence says he would agree to Mueller interview but has not been asked


Vice President Mike Pence said Sunday he has not yet been asked to sit down for an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller, but would accept such an offer. "We've provided any and all information and we'll continue to do that," he told CBS. "I would be more than willing to continue to provide any and all support in that."


President Trump on Friday said he would do an interview with Mueller under "certain circumstances," but called it "a big waste of time." Rudy Giuliani, Trump's outside attorney, previously provided conflicting answers on whether the administration would comply with the investigation, which is examining Russian influence in the 2016 election. As Mueller's investigation continues, a cloud of controversy is swirling over the White House this week as Trump and top officials push back against a new book from the Washington Post's Bob Woodward and an anonymous op-ed detailing an internal resistance to Trump. Pence, who previously denied writing the opinion essay, said he was "100 percent confident" it did not come from his staff. While criticizing the accuracy of both the op-ed and the Woodward book, Pence repeatedly stressed the administration's accomplishments on the economy and other issues, including talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The dictator is expected to soon publicly reaffirm his commitment to denuclearization, according to Pence. "No more nuclear tests. No more missile tests," he said.

Anonymous ID: 735fa7 Sept. 9, 2018, 8:56 a.m. No.2946057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6421

EXCLUSIVE: Private school, a waterside home, luxury boats, a jet-ski for four and a maid - Democratic Socialist Julia Salazar's brother reveals truth about the childhood she called 'hardscrabble'


Alex Salazar, 29, revealed his sister Julia Salazar, 27, actually grew up in a sprawling waterfront home with a maid and attended private school in Florida

He told how their late father Luis Hernan Salazar immigrated from Colombia as a teen and grew to be a successful U.S. commercial and cargo pilot

He said: 'Instead I have to sit here and listen to lies about who he was and who we are. And we are not just talking about airbrushing, we are talking outright lies'

Julia has claimed she grew up among poor, working class immigrants, was raised by a single mother, went to public school, and was forced to get a job at 14

Alex claims they had a 'great life' and were still supported by their father after their parents' divorce, and only worked as teens to learn responsibility

Their mother, Christine, is a New Jersey native worked as a Pan-Am airlines stewardess and later, a pharmaceutical rep who bred Dalmatians

In a statement from Salazar's campaign her mom said she and her daughter share memories of hardship - even if her son doesn't


The 27-year-old Democratic candidate for the New York Senate has come unstuck in recent days after she was outed as a former Republican and accused of faking her hardscrabble immigrant backstory.


Now, can reveal the extent of her deception with a series of images documenting Salazar's privileged upbringing in the upmarket Florida enclave of Jupiter, where her family built their own four-bedroom home, owned boats, a jet ski and rubbed shoulders with celebrities.


It can also be revealed for the first time that Salazar's Colombian father, a commercial and cargo pilot who became a naturalized US citizen years before she was born, flew US troops into the Vietnam War and the First Gulf War. Luis Hernan Salazar, who died from prostate cancer in 2009, also transported rocket parts for NASA and met the space agency's legendary aerospace scientist Wernher von Braun as well as Ronald Reagan before he became US President. (Snippets read the rest here:)

Anonymous ID: 735fa7 Sept. 9, 2018, 9:17 a.m. No.2946246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6380 >>6398 >>6481

FBI Kept From U.S. Spy Court Russian View of Carter Page as 'an Idiot'


The FBI omitted from its application to spy on Carter Page the fact that Russian spies had dismissed the former Trump campaign adviser as unreliable – or as one put it, an “idiot” – and therefore unworthy of recruiting, according to congressional sources who have seen the unredacted document. The potentially exculpatory detail was also withheld from three renewals of the wiretap warrant before a special government surveillance court. The warrants issued by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court allowed the FBI to spy on Page and others he was in contact with for almost a year, the sources also confirmed.


The FBI was aware of Russians’ skepticism that Page knew anything of value or was a significant player because the bureau had recorded them voicing such doubts in a wiretap, from an earlier espionage case involving three Russian spies working undercover for the Kremlin in New York. The FBI cited that 2013 case, minus the disparagement of Page, in its applications to the FISA court. They have been made public only in redacted form, professing evidence that Page was “recruited" by Russian intelligence and had "coordinated" with the Russian government. But “that’s a mischaracterization of the facts in the case,” a congressional source said.


As first reported by RealClearInvestigations after Page became a central focus of the Trump-Russia investigation, court filings that emerged from the earlier case show the Russian government wasn’t interested in cultivating Page as a spy. Rather, it tried to use him as a source of economic information, but soon “discarded" him as low-value and unreliable.The FISA applications omit the fact that a Russian intelligence officer called page ‘an idiot,’ " one congressional source said. The official spoke only on condition of anonymity due to the still-classified nature of the information.

Anonymous ID: 735fa7 Sept. 9, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.2946369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6396

U.S. Accuses North Korea of Plot to Hurt Economy as Spy Is Charged in Sony Hack


North Korea engaged in a yearslong effort to hack into American companies and steal from financial institutions around the globe, the Justice Department charged on Thursday in a 174-page criminal complaint that detailed how hackers caused hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of damage to the global economy.


Only one North Korean, Park Jin-hyok, was named — charged with computer fraud and wire fraud in the 2014 hack of Sony Pictures Entertainment. But the complaint described a team of hackers for North Korea’s main intelligence agency, in many cases operating out of China and other Asian nations, who crippled Britain’s health care system in last year’s WannaCry attack and stole $81 million from the Bangladeshi central bank — a heist that would have reaped $1 billion, save for a spelling error — before turning to vulnerable institutions from Vietnam to South Africa. North Korea seemed primarily motivated by its continuing need for cash, as other countries have refused to do business with Pyongyang, and a desire to control American corporate behavior through fear. WannaCry presented the possibility that the North also wanted to sow chaos. The complaint was the most specific public accounting yet of North Korea’s cyberattacks against other countries. The Justice Department has now brought charges against state actors from North Korea, China, Iran and Russia, the United States’ most formidable cyberfoes.


The complaints and indictments have been seen as a key tool in deterring attacks; the Trump administration also imposed sanctions on Mr. Park as part of a broad punishment. But as officials tried to convey that North Korea would pay a high price for hacking American targets, President Trump undercut their effort with a friendly tweet about the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, hours before the complaint was announced. Mr. Trump wrote that Mr. Kim, whom he has sought to engage on nuclear talks, “proclaims ‘unwavering faith in President Trump.’ Thank you to Chairman Kim. We will get it done together!” It was unclear whether Mr. Trump knew about the forthcoming complaint. A Justice Department official would not directly answer when asked whether he was briefed in advance. The complaint against Mr. Park was filed under seal on June 8, just four days before Mr. Trump and Mr. Kim held a historic summit meeting in Singapore. Diplomacy between the two countries has been stalled since, with the president abruptly canceling a trip to North Korea last month by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Last week, Mr. Trump accused China of undermining American relations with the North.

Anonymous ID: 735fa7 Sept. 9, 2018, 9:41 a.m. No.2946466   🗄️.is 🔗kun


While I agree with you that they suck, I believe this story has some merit. Not all who write for them are out to do bad things, kind of like saying all people who are from anywhere but here (insert what you want) suck.