TY Baker
After Democrat Grandstanding, Dem Whip Says Dems Need To Move “Away From The Personalities”
After Democrat grandstanding during the Judge Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, including from Democratic Senators Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, Senate Democrat Whip Dick Durbin tells NBC News’ Chuck Todd that Democrats need to move “away from the personalities.”
Kamala Harris almost threatened him. She said choose your words carefully as if to say whatever you say will be held against you. These people should not be allowed to participate, it’s clear they have an agenda that’s contrary to America.
fromAnon's sauce:
"This is a crisis. The country has only ever had such a crisis in the summer of 1862 when General McClellan and the senior generals, all Democrats in the Union Army, deemed that Abraham Lincoln was not fit and not competent to be commander in chief," said Bannon - whose departure from the White House was in large part over a fallout with Trump's "establishment" advisers. Bannon said at the time that the "Republican establishment" sought to nullify the results of the 2016 election and effectively neuter Trump.
“There is a cabal of Republic establishment figures who believe Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. This is a crisis,” Bannon said in Rome.
why is he going to Italy?
Caught flatfooted by Vanity Fair’s announcement, Woodward and Bernstein initially issued a terse statement reaffirming their promise to keep the secret until Deep Throat died. But the Vanity Fair article was enough to bring the current executive editor of The Post, Leonard Downie Jr., back to Washington from a corporate retreat in Maryland. After he consulted with Woodward, Bernstein and Bradlee, “the newspaper decided that the newspaper had been released from its obligation by Mark Felt’s family and by his lawyer, through the publication of this piece,” Downie said. “They revealed him as the source. We confirmed it.”
Fun Fact;
Ben Bradlee and his wife Quinn bought and restored Grey Gardens, home of Jackie O's Auntie
Checked and Kek'd!
Kek - 187 MSM first.
is she a front pole too?