She knew she would lose, so she does want any Liberal Democrat would do..taint the loss with her identity politics.
WWHD (What Would Hillary Do)
She knew she would lose, so she does want any Liberal Democrat would do..taint the loss with her identity politics.
WWHD (What Would Hillary Do)
Y'all don't respect my femmmaminity!!
Omma delicate flowahhh!!
Omma fuck you up!!
Good Morning Micro!
Follow me today on Periscope today, when Microchip and I open Al Capone's Vault for a second look…
I'll be starting a GoFundme page soon now that AJ can't make payroll. I still need to pay Micro…I'm jammed-up anons.
I need Muh Shekels!!
Thought for today…
There was a time when the C_A controlled foreign governments and steered the globalist agenda for decades. Now they are reduced to weaving through tits and memes on 8chan on a board with only 161 UID's.