What do you know, it's a black woman. I would have never guessed
She is either really stupid or paid off, can we dig on her financial records
What do you know, it's a black woman. I would have never guessed
She is either really stupid or paid off, can we dig on her financial records
AJ is all about putting fear in conservatives. I stopped listening to him years ago when he wouldn't shut up about how the government was going to put everyone in FEMA camps
Is he flipped? That line of questioning he gave Kav the other day was epic.
AJ told his nationwide audience in new years 1999-2000 that Russia had launched ICBMs at america, scaring millions of patriots.
Alex Jones is not our guy. It's so obvious now. He's among the ones that just wants everyone afraid. When they are afraid, they can be herded
Those poor children, They have to suffer because cowardly men in palestine attack israel and then hide among the women and children when the counter attack comes and then drag out the bodies for propaganda.
this has nothing to do with Q research, why would you put in the hashtag, shill?
Wow you haven't filtered spam bot yet? Are you retarded or what
Those are even worse. You can't meme. What are you?
They'll get over it. I did. I used to order stuff from him. I'm not looking back. No regrets
Filters are for people who like comfy bread
LOL red pilled. Look up who his father is and you'll understand why he's red pilled. He's on of them
Now which one influences others to kill more and who's man enough to do it himself?