I still think these drops or at least this one is advanced notice as in one year advanced notice.
10/31/2018 is on a Wednesday. Friday and Saturday is November 2 & 3.
Now comes the Pain in 23…
I still think these drops or at least this one is advanced notice as in one year advanced notice.
10/31/2018 is on a Wednesday. Friday and Saturday is November 2 & 3.
Now comes the Pain in 23…
Great video. FYI, Fox, Tucker, Hannity are all assets…clown assets. Sorry to break it to you folks but it is what it and it ain't what it ain't.
sauce is use logic. you do not get a show in primetime on a major news network unless you do exactly as your told. think about it.
go back and watch Tucker or Hannity post 9/11 and in the run up to Iraq and Afghanistan. They serve their masters well.