That is a hallmark of sociopathy and psychopathy.
Trying failed tactics, again.
So stupid.
That is a hallmark of sociopathy and psychopathy.
Trying failed tactics, again.
So stupid.
That mossad mouthpiece is irredeemable.
He only has half-truths to offer on his fucking mother's side.
You're forgetting one tiny minuscule completely unforeseen (blah blah blah) detail:
The Marines will not allow POTUS to be deposed. You think shit's getting real now?! Try to remove the duly elected president, when ''the Military knows everything. And backs him.''
None of us have seen jack shit yet. This isn't over by a long shot.
I read the post.
Understand my words:
The Marines will not allow Satan into the White House again. They will use lethal force to ensure this.
Batten down the hatches hide the women and load the guns.
Anything that tries to break into the house gets shot.