and had JFK killed as well
If slavery was so bad and you feel guilty for not putting an end to it sooner, what is this? Freed men's culture?
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Russia is a MOS outpost. Hardly news to me.
Alas culture is partly a product of race so wishful thinking is no good when it comes to the assimilation of certain races.
Your brethren suppress all scientific evidence suggesting circumcision leaves a lasting mark on the child's brain development. That's rich coming from a kike who meddles in every other nation's affairs. Keep sending your shills to this board because the world is slowly learning more about your "religion" of usury and child abuse.
Who the f*** cares about degenerate goy bloodlines, they will be dealt with soon enough. It's the physical manifestation of this wretched cult (banks, military industrial complex) that has to be fought. Rothschilds are not goyim as far as I know.
Yeah, the ruling class sometimes sell out their subjects. The tree of liberty has to be refreshed with the blood of patriots every so often. Does not absolve your nefarious cult of its wrongdoings whatsoever.
First one to call names has lost the argument, Schlomo. Not only that but you're also projecting now. Take a breather, go torture a Palestinian kid and come back when you're "sane" again.
Nice fanfic, Herschel. It was the nahtzees who kidnapped Charles' boy! Oy vey I am weeping just as I weep for the kikes whose blood the ground gushed with weeks after they had been executed by camp guards. (Wiesel's words, not mine!)
As if Soros wasn't a MOS asset. Your fellow kike Lenin once said the best way to control the opposition was to be the opposition itself.