Anonymous ID: e70765 Sept. 9, 2018, 1:15 p.m. No.2949006   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The F-15E?

It is next-gen compared to the flightless alternative that is the F-35 Penguin.


Though I would have to do some research on what base they are coming out of. With the F-14 gone, the Navy has no deep strike capability anymore. The super bug just can't truck the bombs like the Tomcat could. Oddly enough. This also comes back around as the Navy has no tankers anymore. The A6 tanker variety is out of service and the super bug variety runs into the same range problem in practice.


A lot depends on who is letting us use their airspace and where IFR points can be set up.


But Israel is right next door with both F-15I and F-16I/D with some of the F-35s avionics suite in them (or… What was being developed for the F-35 at the time, but that was like 15 years ago at this point).

Anonymous ID: e70765 Sept. 9, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.2949095   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And the U.N. also says the borders of the U.S. need to be open.


People find it easy to think in terms of "bad guy" and "good guy." If one is bad, then the other must be good. This is an easy characteristic to manipulate. Simply use terrorists to make people do a bad thing to defend themselves. Portray the terrorists as the underdogs (whom we all love) and as innocent civilians fighting for their freedomz - and boom. Now you have a completely undiscussable issue because the terrorists become good guys willing to resort to desperate measures to some, and others see the terrorists as the bad guys and all who fight the terrorists as the good guys.


Reality is always a little more nuanced than this perception.