Anonymous ID: f13ccd Sept. 9, 2018, 1:03 p.m. No.2948884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9304 >>9385 >>9488 >>9529

Human Trafficking: Border Patrol Agents Take Down 'Stash Houses' with 40+ Illegal Aliens


Special Agents from Customs and Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Valley area of Texas say they've shut down a major human trafficking syndicate which led to the detainment of 40 illegal aliens.


McAllen Border Patrol, McAllen Police, and the Hidalgo County Constables Office all participated in the operation.


Authorities said that over prolonged period agents were monitoring stash houses in the Mission, Texas area that had heavy traffic coming to and from the residences.


Assuming this was a cartel narcotics stash and distribution ring, the joint law enforcement operation monitored those entering and exiting the residence for several days.


This surveillance was conducted in order to find a pattern in their scheduling, according to local NBC affiliate KVEO.


On the final day of the operation, they awaited the departure of all vehicles from the residential area and moved in.


What they would find inside the home, however, wasn't cocaine, marijuana, heroin, or even methamphetamine.

Anonymous ID: f13ccd Sept. 9, 2018, 1:15 p.m. No.2949016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9026 >>9227 >>9385 >>9488 >>9529



Damascus International Fair on its 4th day-photos


Map Update: Military Situation In Abu al-Duhur Area In Syria’s Idlib Province


Syrian And Russian Warplanes Bomb Militant Positions In Northwestern Syria (Videos)

For a second day in a row, warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces bombed dozens of militant positions in the northern Hama countryside and the southern Idlib countryside, according to Syrian pro-government sources


Syrian Military Expands Its Strikes On Militants To Northern Lattakia, Western Idlib


Government Troops Capture New Positions From ISIS In Al-Safa

The air force and the artillery of the army carried out precision strikes on ISIS terrorists movements and on their fortifications and hideouts deep in the rocky valleys [in al-Safa], which resulted in heavy losses,” said the SANA’s reporter in the southwestern governorate of al-Suwayda.


Al-Sayyed: Syria will defeat terrorism, foil US and Zionist schemes in region

Minister al-Sayyed affirmed that Syria unifies and doesn’t separate and it protects the national and pan-Arab principled stances as it says no to the Zionist occupation of the Palestinian territories and to the US hegemony and it will defeat terrorism.


Dehghan: Terrorists in Idleb should be eliminated as they threaten the region

Answering a question on the anticipated battle of Idleb in an interview with Russia Today TV, Dehghan said that “terrorists shouldn’t be left moving towards other areas, but they should be eliminated in Idleb because they will threaten security wherever they are.”

He reiterated that the US military presence in Syria is illegitimate and it violates the international law because it didn’t came upon a request by the Syrian Government, affirming that Iran will continue to support Syria on different levels.


Pentagon sends marines for snap live-fire drill in Syria as ‘strong message’ to Russia – reports

“Our forces will demonstrate the capability to deploy rapidly, assault a target with integrated air and ground forces and conduct rapid exfiltration,” said spokesman for the US Central Command, Captain William Urban.


Two US F-15 Jets Strike Deir ez-Zor With Banned Phosphorus Bombs – Russian MoD

"In Deir ez-Zor province on September 8, 2018, two F-15 aircraft of the US Air Force carried out strikes on the settlement of Hadjin with the use of phosphorus incendiary munitions. As a result of the strikes, major fires were observed. Information on victims and injured is being clarified," Major-General Vladimir Savchenko stated, stressing that the use of weapons with white phosphorus is prohibited by an additional protocol to the 1949 Geneva Convention.


NOTE: Be aware that the cabal controls part of the military of many countries

Anonymous ID: f13ccd Sept. 9, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.2949084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9100

It Took a Handful of Women to Kneecap One of the World’s Most Brutal Crime Networks


There’s been a lot of talk recently about allegiance and betrayal in the face of criminal prosecution. President Donald Trump, whose obsession with loyalty at all costs has earned him comparisons to mob dons of a bygone era, said recently that aiding federal prosecutors in exchange for leniency — “flipping,” as he called it — “almost ought to be illegal.” On Twitter, Trump went full Mafia, likening John Dean, the White House counsel who testified against Richard Nixon and his associates during the Watergate scandal, to a “RAT.”


But in the world of organized crime that Trump so uncannily evokes, breaking bonds of loyalty to collaborate with law enforcement, particularly when the betrayed are blood relations, is a profoundly painful choice — an act of courage with no happy ending. In Italy, the mob’s cradle, entire families have been brought down by the testimonies of pentiti, “repentant” members who chose to work with prosecutors in return for leniency and protection. In his riveting book, “The Good Mothers: The True Story of the Women Who Took on the World’s Most Powerful Mafia,” journalist Alex Perry explores the tragedy that often accompanies those choices, telling the story of four women who turned against their own families and stood up to the ’Ndrangheta.


The book, which reads like a thriller, is a sobering look at one of the most ferocious and least understood organized crime networks in the world. Steeped in legend and superstition, the ’Ndrangheta is also well-versed in the sophisticated schemes of global finance.


Perry makes an urgent case that the group’s meteoric journey to the vortex of global crime — it controls nearly three-quarters of Europe’s cocaine traffic, launders money on behalf of a host of other criminal groups, and sells weapons to multiple actors in the Syrian conflict — transpired before our eyes. He argues that modern organized crime is an often-ignored but ballooning threat, with a role in everything from the arms trade to global migration, rather than the stuff of romanticized mob movies.


“The ’Ndrangheta is one of the most powerful groups in the world and none of us had ever heard of it, and that is stunning,” Perry told The Intercept. “And that is part of a wider story which I think is a rise of organized crime. We are missing a massive phenomenon of our age: We tend to allow ourselves to be distracted by say, terrorism, because it is so spectacular, or by financial crises. Organized crime is much less apparent, but the more you look into it, it is this enormous phenomenon that is able to change the destiny of countries.”


“The Good Mothers,” which was published in the U.S. this summer, is also a feminist tale set in the sexist world of organized crime. In what is perhaps the most satisfying scene in the book, dozens of members of one of the most powerful ’Ndrangheta families file into court for a maxi-trial that dealt a stunning, if hardly fatal, blow to one of the most powerful and secretive organized crime networks in the world.


The trial’s lead prosecutor was a woman, Alessandra Cerreti, and the case hinged on testimony from another woman, Giuseppina Pesce, a pentita member of a prominent ’Ndrangheta family. Pesce’s collaboration with prosecutors led to the arrest, and later conviction, of dozens of her own relatives and associates. As if that weren’t enough of an affront to a clan ruled by honor codes and gender roles so medieval that infidelity, even to a deceased husband, could be punished by death, when the mafiosi were led into court on the trial’s first day, they were dismayed to see that an unusually high number of the lawyers, court staff, and police gathered there were women. When the three judges entered the room, the accused were stunned to learn that they, too, were all women. The men protested vociferously; some asked for a male magistrate.


“When they saw us all in the court, they began screaming and shouting at me and my colleagues,” Cerreti told Perry. “They were humiliated to be in front of so many women — to be judged by women.” The few women among the accused, including Pesce’s mother and sister, remained silent, writes Perry. “There was perhaps no better representation of the injustice in their own lives than watching their men howl at the sight of an assembly of modern, professional women sitting in judgment over them.”


Part 1

Anonymous ID: f13ccd Sept. 9, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.2949139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9176 >>9284

Colin Kaepernick Celebrates as Dolphins Players Kneel During National Anthem


On Sunday, Miami Dolphins wide receivers Kenny Stills and Albert Wilson kicked off game one of the NFL season by taking a knee during the National Anthem.


Kenny Stillis said he would consider stopping if his buddy Colin Kaepernick were signed by an NFL team.


Former 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick celebrated the continued destruction of the NFL.


Misery loves company.


KAEPERNICK: My Brothers @kstills and @ithinkisee12 continue to show their unwavering strength by fighting for the oppressed! They have not backed down, even when attacked and intimidated. Their courage will move the world forward!


“Love is at the root of our resistance!”✊🏾

Anonymous ID: f13ccd Sept. 9, 2018, 1:34 p.m. No.2949226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9263

The Amazon Business Model is A Job Killer: The Shift Towards E-Commerce. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 31 Million Jobs Destroyed


Prominent in the news this past week was the report that Amazon and its CEO, Jeff Bezos, reached record levels of market valuation and wealth. Amazon is now worth more than $1 trillion and Bezos’s personal wealth stands at $165 billion. This of course is largely due to the stock price appreciation of the company, as investors in the US and worldwide pile into purchasing Amazon stock and thereby drive up its stock price, its market valuation and, in turn, Bezos’s share of that in terms of his own net worth.


Why so much investment money is surging into Amazon—and other tech company stocks like Google, Apple, and others—is a story in itself but left here for another analysis. Briefly, it has to do with the investor class’s accelerating capital gains from the $1 trillion a year distribution to them from Corporate America’s stock buybacks and dividend payouts. A trillion dollars a year, every year (2011 to 2017) for the past six years in buybacks and dividends by S&P 500 corporations alone. This year, 2018, buybacks and dividend payouts will set a record of more than $1.3 trillion in such distribution to investor-shareholders, pumped up by Trump tax cuts of more than $300 billion in 2018 that are doubling profits of S&P 500 companies.


According to a recent report by Zion Research, for the S&P 500 no less than 49% of their 2018 record profits has been due to the Trump tax cuts—a massive direct subsidy to corporate America without historical precedent in the US. For some sectors, like the telephone companies, 152% of their 2018 profits have been due to the Trump tax cuts. The massive tax-driven profits are then redistributed to their shareholder-investors via stock buybacks and dividends well exceeding $1 trillion annually. The stockholder-shareholders then plow back the much of the $1 trillion back into the stock market, driving up stock prices further that are already rising due to the record profits and buybacks. A good part of the ‘plowback’ into stocks has been going into the tech sector. The Apples, Googles, and of course Amazon especially—which leads to the company’s $1 trillion current market valuation and Jeff Bezos’s $165 billion personal net worth.

Anonymous ID: f13ccd Sept. 9, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.2949406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9488 >>9529 >>9590

The Financial Elite Are Dumping Massive Amounts Of Stock, VIX Volatility Index Signaling Caution

Anonymous ID: f13ccd Sept. 9, 2018, 1:55 p.m. No.2949455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9607

Is There A Secret USA Spy Base & EMF Antenna For Submarines At Sea In Australia?

What in the world is the U.S. doing in the central part of the Australian continent with a deep underground spy base known as Pine Gap, a top secret base financed entirely by the U.S. government (taxpayers’ dollars or “black operations budgets”)? It’s officially known as the Joint Defense Space Research Facility, and is not far from Alice Springs in the Northern Territory.

The American Patriot Friends Network has an online webpage detailing what their research has found.


According to APFN’s information, here is Pine Gap’s apparent intended use:


It is said that under Pine Gap is the deepest drilling hole in Australia – about 5 miles (more than 8,000 meters). Such a hole is likely used as an underground antenna able to recharge the batteries of submarines in the Pacific and Indian Ocean through ELF broadcasts. Such a gigantic antenna could be used to generate (more than 8,000 meters). Such a hole is likely used for:


Some say that Pine Gap has an enormous nuclear generator to supply energy to a new type of transceiver. It seems too that there is a high-powered, high-voltage plasma accelerator which may be put to use to transmit electric current, or even to produce a ‘death-ray’, or quite simply to feed a plasma gun. All this is not as incredible as it sounds: it is now known that the US base of West Cape, near Exmouth Gulf in Western Australia (Harold E. Holt USN Communication Station), has an older type of the transceiver used at Pine Gap which is used to send electric current to submerged US submarines who trail a wire antenna. It is known that electric currents transmitted in this way are referred to as plasmo-dynamic cells.


On the other hand, Pine Gap is well known as one of the most important control centers for spy satellites which circle the globe. An article published in late 1973 claimed that the Pine centers for spy satellites which circle the globe. An article published in late 1973 claimed that the Pine Gap installation, along with its sister installation in Guam, “Pine Gap has enormous computers which are connected to their American and Australian central counterparts, which collect all the information secured in these countries, not only about finance and technology, but on every aspect of the life of the average citizen. Those computers at Pine Gap are also evidently connected to similar mainframes in Guam, in Krugersdorp South Africa, and at the Amundsen-Scott US base at the South Pole.


Just how many spy satellites circle the globe?


Furthermore, how much EMF/RF/MM radiation do they ‘rain down’ on Earth, wildlife, food crops and humans?


The more we learn about microwave technology and the push to implement a “smart microwave world,” the more we have to wrap our minds around and understand the realistic sea of electrosmog we live in, which probably will reach critical mass sooner than expected. Already, global populations experience what is called electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), or what the World Health Organization (WHO) designates as idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI).


Do you think the average Australian knows what’s going on in, around and under the central part of their continental country?

Anonymous ID: f13ccd Sept. 9, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.2949466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9476 >>9505 >>9510 >>9543




AJ is a gatekeeper and the PR department for the cabal. Like a drug dealer has to get busted so the public can find out how badass they were, the cabal and (((their))) psychopathic EGO needs to be scratched but they don't want to get busted to show off. So they control the OPPOSITION AJ.


  1. So they use AJ to brag about all the EVIL shit they've done and are doing.They never thought she'd lose so weren't concerned about getting busted.


  1. As a gatekeeper AJ keeps the awakened population away from curtain issues, Q, Israel/mossad, Leo Wanta etc…


  1. Also what (((they))) use AJ for is to make the truth community out to be crackpot conspiracy theorists, look at his rants etc…


  1. Once AJ got on shaky ground when exposed by Q, the cabal media assets came to the rescue by banning him, as pointed out by anon and eluded too by Q when your site is taken down they don't leave a convenient redirection message for users!


  1. Look at how many people (((they))) have killed to keep (((their))) shit secret, yet AJ has been outing the cabal for decades and is still free to go out in public!!!!