ok I got the house recording studio number and i finally can get the raw files.
it's going to be $100 for the whole speech (fuck) and it will be download able (they will provide a link)
ok I got the house recording studio number and i finally can get the raw files.
it's going to be $100 for the whole speech (fuck) and it will be download able (they will provide a link)
Sorry if I missed anybody, took forever to type this
thanks anons. iv been doing this on my phone so I need to wait til I'm home to fill out the form.
They require a check/money order once they approve the request I'll drive up there to give it to them
I can give a bitcoin/litecoin/eth address if that will work.
I may have confused the girl I spoke to and the $100 may be for only one camera(full speech) I'll update when I get a response (will provide proof)
I suppose it could be but that's the charges.
I guess they just cut it. I'll get whatever it is we need
forgot to say let's make sure all of us don't go to buy it, we don't need to waste resources.
It will be a download able file which I will provide the link for
I won't know till I get a response from the form. I told them I wanted the "main" cameras and the whole speech if the includes all 4 cameras or just 1 idk
here is the form they gave me.
if you guys want to fill it out and give me the link I can email it right now (on mobile)
I specifically asked if the file was the raw file from the camera and I got what sounded like a very confident yes
anyone know the type of camera the house uses? I can check to see what kind of file it outputs and make sure it's on that form
I called there and they said they wouldn't have it. The national archives said it was too soon to have it.
I saw online that a foia request is $25 unless the work required to get the information exceeds that
can anyone get some good info on the house recording studio from this?
Library of Congress doesn't have it according to their office, The House Recording Studio has it
excellent. I just sent an email asking everything you got
I doubt CNN is going to give anyone anything willingly.
As for foia I called the office that was suggested and they didn't have anything and was gratefull I gave the number for the house studio
thanks didn't see that
CNN licenses their stuff included MASTERS