Jesus fucking Christ you shills with this bullshit.
This isn't how markers work, it's never been how they work.
You even said right in your post that if you engage the anon, they will deny that they are anyone special.
No shit, maybe because they aren't?
Oh wait no, it's because they are a super secret Q plant that will deny it so the jig isn't up.
I've had you retards who push this insufferably stupid bullshit actually call out my own post once as a super secret spoopy confirmation (it wasn't).
Stop misleading the board.
Stop posting inane bullshit that is so subjective and open to interpretation that it is completely worthless.
You de-value the meaning of ACTUAL markers and they way they ACTUALLY work when you do this.
You idiots have been at this for weeks, and have never made a single meaningful discovery. All you can do is go back every single day and try to find examples that you can make fit with your theories.
It's the equivalent of developing a market trading strategy that only works when you can go look backwards in time and find isolated examples of a winning trade.
"Don't engage the anon in real time!" might as well be "Don't try to trade with this in real time!"
Not only will the anon tell you you're fucking stupid for thinking they are tied to Q, you will also find that most of the time that you apply this method, you end up with nothing useful at all.
Even if you do, what do you think the odds are that you pick any minute on this board, and you can find at least one informative or relevant post?
Close to 100%
So they can apply this completely useless methodology, read some tea leaves, then point to some random informative post as "a secret Q post"
Oh but just don't ever ask that person to confirm, because they will always deny it, you know to protect this super secret comms method that only a few have discovered!
At some point it's going to become clear that you are a shill trying to muddy the waters.
For now, I'm assuming you are a well-intentioned anon who isn't smart enough to realize the shit you post falls apart under any basic level of scrutiny.