Eli ID: 7ced4d Newfag here Feb. 7, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.295495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5505 >>5512 >>5516 >>5527 >>5537 >>5660

I’ve been following Q for a few months, what he says is great. Everything I ever suspected laid out in a way to reinforce my beliefs and prejudices.

Do I believe his Info drops? For the most part. He’s even said he drops misinfo. Misinfo is important or something.


Here is the big but though -

So what? What’s happened? Nothing.

Why nothing? The same bad actors are doing the same bad shit.


Nothing Q has said is anything particularly New.


His credibility is solely based on the semi-credible fact he’s an insider. Ok, so what?


The only thing I really see is that he and his team have no power. Which is scarier than the truth Bombs he’s sending out.


It doesn’t take a rocket science to not believe the official 9/11 story or figure out clinton is a corrupt Cunt, but that doesn’t matter if nothing changes.


Where are the arrests?

If we are to believe Schiffty and Valerie committed treason, where are the charges? Same w cnt We Don’t say his name and everyone else?

Sessions? He’s a sleeping tiger? It’s been a year, wake up mother fker.


A part of me thinks it’s a plan to wait until the midterms and utterly destroy the crooked Dems, but fk man, do something.


How is Soros running around the world making speeches? Wtf was that Davos bullshit? Why isn’t that mtherfker dead? You knew where he was? It’s like going to the same meeting as “insert criminal” and letting him go.


This is public, Q’s twitter fags keep posting shit to these blackhat losers. If this is true you are telegraphing your moves. Why? To make them scared? Fk that, you know what’s scary… sleeping all comfy in your bed then all of a sudden a death squad raids your house and you wake up in gitmo then publicly tried for treason and hanged!


The blurred out phone? What’s the point. He knows we can’t find or get it, so the point was a distraction and outrage? Twitter blasting that Bitch and the photofag. Ok… what did that accomplish? Seriously autists, what did that accomplish? He just tapped into your ocd. Why did he do that?

It’s like he’s the pied piper, whistling his hypnotic tune to take you away from doing something else. Why?

There are a lot of smart people here… what is the purpose of distracting a lot of smart people? When the fk did we start trusting the government in the first place?

I don’t thing Q’s a larp, but I suspect he’s not up and up.

Nothing is happening. MSM is still talking shit and propagandizing. Hillary is Still Free, Jimmy fag kimmel and the rest of those hollyweird losers are still doing their bullshit.

You can’t have a movement without action! Talk is cheap Q. Fk your 60/40… you are trying to steer the masses, but the division is growing not subsiding.

Never underestimate your enemy. If those cnts are so dumb, why are they free?